Chapter 16: When The Past Haunts You

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Chase and Jess spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the beach and each other. As they flew back to Charlotte, Jess felt this overwhelming sense of peace. She and Chase had talked everything through and he admitted he felt the same as she did. She looked over at the dark-haired boy flying and smiled. He must have seen her out of the corner of his eye and she looked over at her.

"What?" he asked with a smile.


"I know it's never nothing with you Jess."

"Just taking in the dream of a man I get to call mine."

"That's all?" he asked. Jess let out a laugh as she went back to looking out the window.

They got back to Charlotte a while later and Chase drove them back to her apartment.

"So I have some interviews tomorrow, do you mind if I spend the night?" he asked.

"Did you really have to ask?

"I mean I felt like it was better than assuming you'd let me."

"Chase, you're welcome anytime, plus my roommate is out for the night with her boyfriend anyway."

As soon as those words left her lips, she saw the look on Chase's face change into the one that always got her into trouble.

When they got to her apartment, she could barely get the key in the door as she opened it and Chase had her against the wall. She dropped her bags and let him have control because by now, he knew every inch of her body. As his hands moved down to the hem of her shirt he pulled at it and lifted it over her head. They locked eyes for a moment, both breathing heavy. Chase was about to lean in when his phone went off.

He looked down at who would be calling him at a moment like this and he saw it was Ryan. He sent the call to voicemail and looked back at Jess. His lips connected with hers as his phone went off again.

"I kind of like that feeling," she said, giving him a not so innocent look.

"Fuck. Let me call him back to see what he wants." Jess nodded as Chase walked away and called Ryan back.

"What is it man? You're totally cock-blocking me right now."

"Dude your ex showed up and my house saying ya'll hooked up recently. WTF? I thought you were with Jess?"

"I am. What did she say exactly?"

"That a couple weeks ago you were alone in your motorhome and she came over and then ya'll hooked up after drinking a little too much. She thinks ya'll are back together or something and is saying she'll post the photos you apparently took together."

"What in the hell? What did you say to her?"

"To leave. I've got a kid man and another on the way and Allie wasn't happy with her showing up at the house. Is it true?"

"I'll talk to you about this later."

"You'd better Clyde."

"Everything ok?" Jess asked.

"Yeah," he answered, knowing that this wasn't the right time to tell her he'd accidentally cheated on her. 

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