Chapter 13: Vacation Surprise

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The week flew by faster than Jess had expected it to. She went through her closest and packed everything she thought she would need, considering she knew they were going to the beach, but not which one. She pulled the last romper and dress off their hangers and put them in her bag before closing it. She saw her phone light up that she had a new text.

Just landed at the airport. I'll be there in about 15.

She grabbed her bag and took it into the living room, setting it by the door and waiting until Chase came to get her.

Chase gripped the steering wheel tighter as he drove to Jess's apartment. For some reason he was nervous and he had no idea why. Sure he hadn't really got to spend a whole lot of time with Jes, but going on vacation together meant their relationship was entering a new level. He pulled up to her apartment building and went up to knock on the door.

Her smiling face made him forget why he was even nervous at all.

"Hi Chase," she said.

"Hi Jess," he answered, kissing her. "You ready?"

"Yep. Let me grab my things."

Jess grabbed her bags as she followed Chase out her door and she locked it. They walked down to his car as he helped her put her stuff in his SUV and Chase started toward the Concord Airport.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going?" she asked.

"I thought we'd go to Florida," Chase answered.

"Ok, but Florida is a big place," Jes replied.

"You don't like surprises do you?" he asked.

"I mean I do, but I also like to know what's going on."

"Fair, but this time you're just going to have to wait."


Chase got to the airport and parked his car as he and Jes both grabbed their bags. He started walking toward a helicopter sitting on the tarmac.

"Mr. Elliott, she's all ready for you," Jess heard a guy say to Chase. She stood there dumbfounded and was pretty damn sure Chase was about to fly them to wherever Florida. She didn't even know he could fly.

"Come on," he said.

"You can't be serious. You're seriously going to fly us?"

"Well yeah. How do you think I get back and forth from Georgia to NC for team meetings and appearances?"

"I thought you had a private plane that you flew on or you drove or something," she replied. Chase gave her that wide, bright smile.

"Jess, I've been flying for years. I promise I will take care of you."

"Alright Elliott, you said it," she said as she put her bags in the helicopter.

After about a 2 hour helicopter ride, they arrived in Sanibel Island in Florida. As they landed at the small airport, Jess could see the crystal blue water and a smile crossed her face. She was so excited to be here and especially with Chase, even if she had to learn to live with Chase flying them there. He came around to her side of the helicopter and helped her out and they grabbed their bags as they made their way to the rental car.

They got to their resort as Chase opened the door to their room that overlooked the beautiful gulf coast. Jess stood on the balcony as the salted wind blew through her hair.

"The view is beautiful," she said, turning to Chase.

"Yes it is," he answered, taking her in his arms. She could tell he wanted to say something else, but he stopped himself.

"What Chase? You look like you want to say something." She felt his arms tighten around her.

"I'm falling in love with you."

Jess was pretty sure the room was spinning around her as her feet were planted firmly on the balcony floor. Had she heard him right? They hadn't been together very long or so she felt, but she knew she had the same feelings.

"Falling in love?" she finally mustered out.

"Yes Jess. I'm falling in love with you."

"I love you too Chase." Once she said the words out loud, Jess knew there wasn't turning back now. 

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