Chapter 10: A Step In the Right Directon

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Jess wanted to let the call go to voicemail and she probably should if she wanted to be in a good mood today at work, but she hit answer.

"Hello," she answered, annoyed.

"Hi Jess," Adam said on the other end of the phone.

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to see how you've been. I've been thinking about you a lot lately and how stupid I was."

"I'm guessing you and Hayley broke up or something?" Jess asked.

"We're on a break right now. I couldn't stop thinking about you Jess. I want you back."

Those words made her want to punch something. Adam had been the guy she thought she was going to spend her life with. Everything was going really well until he was coming home later and hanging out with his "friends" more and more. Then he was in the shower one night and Hayley had sent a nude photo of her to Adam and that's when Jess had had enough.

"I'm not interested nor will I ever be again."

"Come on Jess, we were great together," Adam pleaded.

"Adam, I'm dating someone and it's really none of your business so if you would please forget my number and go fuck yourself." She hit the end button and this overwhelming feeling of relief washed over her. For once in a long time she had someone who wanted to be with her and she felt the same way, even if he was a NASCAR driver.

That night, Jess got home and she was ready for the day to end. After the eventful morning she had had, her day at work had been one headache after another. She got to the front door of her apartment where a glass vase of roses were.

"What the?" she wondered. She picked them up and unlocked her door, going inside and setting them on the counter. They were an orange/pink color and they were beautiful. She saw there was a card and opened it.

Here's to new beginnings and that I already miss you.


A huge smile crossed her face as she went to call him.

"Hi beautiful," he answered with a big smile.

"Hi. I wanted to call you and thank you for my flowers. They're beautiful."

"I wanted to let you know even though we're not always together, I'm thinking about you."

Jess felt her heart skip a beat like some school girl crush and it had been a long time since she had felt this feeling.

"I've got to get going to do an interview, but I'll talk to you later," Chase said.

"Ok! Talk to you later," she said, blowing him a kiss.

Chase flashed a big smile when she did that before he hung up and it made Jess forget the shitty day she had. 

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