Chapter 19: Just Talk

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He wanted to text her. Wanted to apologize for what an asshole he had been and how much she really meant to him, but he also knew the cut was deeper than a simple bandage could heal at the moment.

"Double margarita with patron," Jess told the waiter at the restaurant she and Michelle went to after work.

"Oh god, you need to spill." They waited for their drinks to arrive and Jess took a long sip before letting Michelle know about her trip to Florida and how it ended with Chase admitting he had cheated on her with his ex.

"Have you talked to him since?" Michelle finally asked. Jess gave her a look.

"Are you serious? Why should I talk to him after he pulled that shit. I'm not going to be a pushover Michelle."

"I know you're not, but there was something special with the two of you. He said he loved you and that's huge coming from NASCAR's most sought after driver."

"See right there. People don't understand that dating NASCAR's most popular driver isn't easy and I guess it tends to end exactly where I am currently."

"Look can I tell you something Jess. You are strong-willed and such a go-getter that I think it's made you scared. I think Jeremy also did a number on you, but you took that and made yourself stronger. Problem is, I think your walls are made from something not even dynomite can knock down and what scares you is Chase was able to find a flaw in your wall and pushed his way through."

Jess sat back looking at Michelle, knowing damn good and well she was right about everything and usually was. She loved Chase, but she wasn't ready to forgive and forget so easily.

"Look. You make the final call, but I feel like you need to talk to him."

"Fine, I'll try."

Chase was sitting out on his boat when he heard the familiar beep of his phone. He couldn't get to it fast enough, hoping it might be Jess, but was disappointed when it was just Ryan.

"What's up man?" Ryan said on the other end of the phone.

"Nothing man, just taking some time out on the boat."

"Have you talked to her yet?" he asked.

"No not yet. I mean hell Ryan, I don't even know what to say other than I'm sorry. I feel like that isn't enough."

"Maybe it will be Clyde. You just have to do it to see what she says. The worst she can tell you is she doesn't want to get back together."

"You're right man. I'll try to call her when I get back home. Thanks Ryan."

"No problem man. Come by for a drink this weekend and we can hang out," Ryan replied.

"Will do man." Chase hung up the phone with Ryan and went to scroll through his phone as pictures of him and Jess popped up. He knew he had screwed up big time, but this was the girl he had seen himself marrying and he was going to do everything in this world to make sure she knew he was trying to win her back. 

Lightning In a Bottle {A Chase Elliott Story}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz