Chapter 4: Race Day

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The next morning Jess woke up in a place she didn't recognized and realized she had fallen asleep in Chase's motorhome. She was going to leave last night, but they continued their night 3 more times. She knew didn't want to date him, but she'd love to have sex with him anytime. She slipped out of bed, doing her best not to wake Chase and pulled her clothes on. She grabbed her stuff still in the living room and snuck out to her car. On the drive home, she was trying to process what had just happened. Yesterday she was interviewing him for her job and the next thing she knew, they were having sex all night. Lucky for her, he had no way of reaching her, but did she really not want to see Chase again?

Later that morning, Chase's alarm blared. He rolled over to find Jess was gone. "Jess?" he called out. No answer. He got out of bed and pulled his boxers on and walked into the living room. Nothing. He was upset she didn't stick around. After last night, he couldn't get enough of her and he wanted her to be the only girl he'd date. By the looks of her leaving though, he was going to have to chase her.

Jess got home and went to take a shower. As the turned up her music and let the water roll down her body, she got lost in the memories from last night. Chase's hands touching her the way she wanted. His lips like fire burning her skin. It was something she couldn't shake, but she didn't need a boyfriend right now. Especially one who could have another girl today if he wanted. She debated on going back to the track after leaving Chase this morning, but she remembered what he said about race day. It was extremely busy and he probably had media obligations all day. She hopped out of the shower and threw on some black denim shorts and a white bodysuit with her converse and headed back to the track.

"What's up with you today man?" Jordan asked. "Nothing. Didn't get much sleep last night." Chase went back to looking at his phone as he hopped on the golf cart to get to his appearance. He had hoped that he'd run into Jess or that she'd give him some sort of indication if last night was just a one time thing. No luck. "Chase Chase over here," the fans screamed. He signed a couple of items and headed up on the Chevy stage for his interview.

Jess pulled into a parking spot and caught a golf cart into the garage. As she flashed her pass to get into the garage, she noticed how many more people there were today than yesterday. Guess Chase wasn't kidding when he said race day was a lot busier than other days. "Look out," a crew member yelled, as she jumped back. Holy shit there's a lot of people here, she thought. She walked around the garage and wanted to try and avoid the 9 hauler completely, until she saw a group of fans huddled around someone. "Chase has to get going," she heard a voice say. Jessica ducked behind some tires as the crowd walked by. "You hiding from me or are we going to talk about why you left me this morning?" FUCK. IT WAS CHASE. 

***Sorry this chapter is so short. I've had a lot going on, but I should be posting regularly from here on out.***

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