Chapter 21: Apologies Aren't Enough

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"You must be Jessica," Jimmie said, breaking Jess out of the daze she had just been thrown into.

"Yes, sorry," she replied. Jimmie introduced the kids and Chase, not realizing the two knew each other quite well already.

"We're about to go show the kids the race car, but I'll be back to do the interview in a bit if you want to wait here," Jimmie said, getting up.

"Sounds good," Jess replied. Jimmie exited the lounge with the kids and their parents in tow as Jess took a seat on the couch and Chase still rooted where he stood.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, surprised.

"Thought I'd interview to drive the hauler. What in the hell you think I'm doing here. I promise it's not to see you if that's not what you thought."

"I guess I deserved that," Chase replied, leaning up against the wall.

"You deserve a lot more than a sarcastic comment, but this isn't the place nor the time to talk about it."

"Well then let's talk about it. After your interview, come by and we can talk about it."

"I'm not falling for that Chase. I'm not coming to talk to you, just for you to somehow convince me getting back together is a good idea and then we end up in bed together."

"Fine. Then meet me on top of the fan zone. It's a neutral zone and I have access to get us in once it closes to the fans."

Jess was pretty sure her anxiety level was at an 11 and now she was going to have to face this situation on day 1 of being here. I mean she could always say no, but maybe talking to him was the closer she needed to move on with her life.

"I'll meet you."

Jess got through her interview with Jimmie and how his foundation was tying into the Make A Wish Foundation and made her way to the fan zone entrance where Chase stood waiting for her. Wearing a t-shirt and shorts, made her heart skip a beat, but she told herself this wasn't forgiving Chase, this was moving on.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi." He gave her that smile that made her weak as he led her up the stairs to the fan zone and to the roof of the garage as they took a seat at one of the tables.

"Thanks for coming to talk," Chase started.

"You're welcome, I guess," she replied.

"Look...," Chase began.

"I'm going to stop you right there Chase. I'm not sure what kind of asshole move you thought it was to get me to fall for you and then cheat on me with your ex, but I'm not about it. I mean now everything you ever said to me, is a joke and I don't believe a word of it. I did have feelings for you, but you shot those straight to hell and I'm not dealing with a low life cheating asshole who runs for other girls when he feels lonely."

"I get it. I was an asshole to you and I fucked up royally, but I've done nothing but regretted the moment it happened. Should I have told you when it happened, yes, but should it have ever happened, no. Jess I did fall for you and I still have those feelings and I don't know what I have to do to prove to you that I'm sorry, but I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means we're just friends."

Jess crossed her arms and sat there a moment, not immediately wanting to jump on what Chase had said. He seemed sorry, but she had also seen him lie to her face and the saying always went "once a cheater, always a cheater." Maybe they could try the whole friends thing, but she wasn't letting Chase in that easy and man was he in for the challenge of a lifetime.

"We can be friends, but even being my friend will take a lot of groveling," she finally replied. The look on his face looked defeated.

"Whatever it takes to have you in my life Jess."

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