Chapter 22: Stay Strong

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"And she said what?" Ryan asked as he and Chase hung out outside Ryan's motorhome.

"That it'll take a lot of groveling to be back in her life, as a friend."

"Well would you rather not have her in your life at all?"

"No, but I didn't think it would be this hard," Chase answered.

"Chase, you cheated on her. She can hold the cards if she wants," Allie Blaney added coming out to get something from under the motorhome.

Chase knew if anyone would know how this situation went, it was Allie Blaney. She and Ryan had gone through something similar, except Ryan only kissed an old fling and didn't fully sleep with her. It only took a few months of not talking and a chance encounter at a race to bring them back together.

"She's right man," Ryan added. "It wasn't easy when I cheated on Allie and her leaving was a wake up call to make changes in my life. I could either go around being the playboy I was known to be or I could be with a girl who had changed my life. I chose the latter."

"I'm just worried about what in the hell she's going to make me do to grovel," Chase said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Not sure man, but if you want her in your future, you'd better show her you're worth being in hers."

"You said what to him?!" Michelle said on the other end of the phone.

"That I didn't believe a damn word he said and that if we even wanted to be friends, he'd have to grovel."

"Ok, who are you and what have you done with Jess?"

"Girl, I'm done dealing with lying, cheating assholes and I'm guarding my heart. I let Chase in too easy the last time so he has a lot of proving to do to me."

"Well when you get back., we'll have to have a girls night and talk all about it."

"Sure thing." Jess hung up the phone as she sat her phone on her bed and walked out on her balcony. The ocean waves, crashing against the sand as the sun began to set in the sky. The last time she had been here was when she came with Chase. The trip that she thought would end well, that ended up with her throwing him out of her apartment with him admitting he had cheated on her. Tears began to form in her eyes as hard as she tried to push them back. She had a tough exterior, but she did miss him. Being around him this afternoon had been super hard, pretending she didn't miss his smile, his brown eyes or the times they shared together, but she knew she had done the right thing telling him what she said. Stay strong Jess.

After a night of tossing and turning, apparently reminiscing on things she shouldn't have been, Jess was exhausted by the time she got to the track. She had stopped at Starbucks on the way in, hoping the Nitro Cold Brew she had ordered would be the provided relief she needed to make it through the day, following Jimmie and the Make A Wish kids around. She got to the entrance of the garage and flashed her media card as she walked past fans, anxiously waiting on their favorite driver to make an appearance for a photo or an autograph. She reached Jimmie's hauler and scrolled her phone until his PR girl got there.

"Don't look so thrilled to be here," Chase said, scaring Jess and making her jump.

"I haven't had my coffee yet so clearly I'm trying to wake up. What in the hell are you doing here?"

"You're lucky enough to spend time with me today as well as Jimmie."

"Aren't I lucky," she answered, sarcastically. She tried to turn away, but Chase stopped her.

"Look Jess, I'm trying. I'm not sure how you want me to apologize or make up for being the asshole that I was, but I'm willing to do it. Can you give me that?"

Jess looked up and they locked eyes and she thought she saw a sincerity in those beautiful brown eyes of his. She knew she was giving him a hard time, but he broke her heart and if he wanted to win the prize, he had to play the game.

"Can we talk about this later? How about we meet for dinner or something after you're done at the track?" she asked.

"I'll take it." 

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