Yoongi: The Bear Trap

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I scoff at him. "Go if you want to, but I think I'll just stay here. You know I don't like camping."

"You can't stay behind!" Taehyung whines, giving me a dirty look. "That's not fair! We always do what you want to do, but you never do what we want!"

"That's not true!" I shoot back, giving Taehyung just as dirty a look. Hoseok stands between us quickly, pushing us away like we were about to fight.

"Stop it. If we can't all agree on one thing to do together, then we shouldn't do it. This is supposed to be a bonding exercise, afterall."

Seokjin huffs, turning his back on me. "I think we had a pretty good thing going then. It's not my fault someone is ruining it for us!"

We start to walk away from one another, feeling angry and annoyed. I know all of the boys feel angry with me, but I don't care. At least it looks like I'm not going camping.



The boys ended up tricking me into going. They woke me up early in the morning, and helped me pack loads of random clothing. When I asked them were we were going for our bonding trip, they just said it was a surprise, and something that I would like. I shouldn't have fallen for it, but I did.

They took me out to the woods, and before I could realise what I had been tricked into doing, it was too late for us to turn back. I wasn't the one driving, so I couldn't just take charge and force the boys to turn back. I was well and truly tricked into going camping.

However, I have a new idea in my head. I have plans on how to get us to go back home, without being so spiteful the boys would know it was me playing tricks on them.

I watch them set up, refusing to join in. None of the boys turn to look at me, not wanting my melancholy expression to dampen their own moods. I just don't understand how they could like camping. The leaves keep sticking to my shoes, and I slip when I walk. It smells too muddy out here, and there's a cold nip in the wind. I want to go home.

Hoseok is the first to finally sit next to me, and I can finally put my plan into play. "How are you holding up, hyung? It's not so bad now that we're here. It's a bit of a walk to the lake, but I don't think Seokjin will mind. All he's been doing is talk about fishing."

"I hate it."

Hoseok sighs, giving me a little push. I nearly slip off the log I'm sitting on. "Cheer up, hyung! You'll only spoil it for yourself by sitting here and glaring at the dirt."

"You know there's bears in these woods, don't you, Hobi?" I say suddenly, turning to look at him. I watch his eyes go a little rounder, and he searches my face to see if I'm joking or not. "I saw bear traps on the walk here. So we're gonna have to be super careful."

"Well, if there's traps, then they can't get to us, right? Right?"

I stand up, and walk away from Hobi, and head to Jungkook, who's lugging down case after case of beer. He walks straight past me, but it's fine. I'll get to him later.

I turn to Seokjin, who's unpacking his fishing things. Surely he knows he has no chance of catching something for all seven of us in one sitting, right? And I know he can't prepare that many fish quickly. However, he stays determined.

Before I can talk to him, Namjoon catches my shoulder. I turn around, looking at his determined face. I can see by his set jaw that he's not going to take any of my moaning. "If you want something to do, go and help Jimin collect some dry wood for the fire."

I open my mouth to refuse, but Jimin slots his thin arm into my elbow, and starts to pull me along. When Jimin wants to do something, there's no stopping him. His jaw is just as set as Namjoon's.

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