Chapter 34: Miranda

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It has been 20 years since Peter and his teammates like Gracie and Rachel had their marriage, and they're happy with their partner by putting aside their difference. Some of them have now become King and Queen such as Liam and Mira, and Peter, he's now the leader of the Heroes team together with his wife, Pauline.

And for those 20 years, they have their kids which going to continue their legacy soon enough.

Peter and Pauline had a daughter named Starry, Henry, and Gracie also got a daughter called Ivy, Tony, and Rachel received a son called Xavier, Miguel and Roxanne received a son called Samson, while Dan and Hailey also received a son called Sullivan. Princess Mira and Prince Johnny received a daughter called Morgan, Prince Brandon, and Princess Isabella also received a daughter called Kelly, while King Liam and Queen Elaine received a son called Scott.

And also for those 20 years, the Heroes team failed to track Cindy's hideout and it has gone down to 3 generations to search for Cindy. Although Cindy is already aged up, she uses black magic to keep her younger, and also she's an evil genius who creates a time machine that can go to a different timeline of a dimension. At the same time, she also uses her evil genius and dark magic to create a universe that can't be detected by anyone at all, and that's the reason Cindy has never been found for more than 20 years.

In Cindy's universe, Cindy with her minions that she created are building the empire and at the same time, they are waiting for the reborn of the empire leader, which is Carla that supposedly died a long time ago, but thanks to Cindy and her invention, she managed to capture Cindy in a different timeline and turn her into the evil mindset. For right now, Carla is still in a cocoon state after she's been injected with E-Virus created by Cindy decades ago.

"So, why is our leader still not reborn?", asked Cindy's minion.

"Well, the E-Virus that I injected into her reacts slowly on her and that's why she's been in a cocoon state for decades. Still, inside the cocoon is a new Carla that will be reborn soon, and it needs time for her to regain her energy. Let's wait patiently, even if it takes decades, we will wait for our leader to be reborn once again, and together we can rule the galaxy. Long live the Queen!", explained Cindy.

"Long live the Queen!", shouted all of Cindy's minions to Carla's cocoon.

Soon, Carla's cocoon crack becomes slightly bigger, which means she is almost ready to be reborn.

Back at Zagary, the Heroes team kids are in the final year of their university. One day, Starry bumped into Kevin, her boyfriend. Kevin is the son of the famous inventor in Zagary, which is Dr. Brian and Miranda. Unfortunately, Miranda passed away due to a car accident as was told to Starry. But there's a hidden story regarding Dr. Brian's family that neither Starry nor Dr. Brian's son, Kevin know about it.

"Hey, Starry! I was wondering if you would like to come to my penthouse tomorrow afternoon for lunch with my father. Are you free during that time?", asked Kevin.

"Hey, Kevin! Of course! I love to have lunch with you and your father. Maybe we can discuss with him about our relationship", said Starry.

"That's a good idea! Let's just hope my father gives the green light for us to continue further of our relationship. All right then, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow, Kevin!"

The next day, Starry arrived at Kevin's penthouse in the BM Tech Corporation Towe, which is the place Dr. Brian is working at. She went to the top floor of Kevin's penthouse and she was amazed to see the stately beautiful penthouse.

When she rings the bell at the penthouse, Dr. Brian opens up the door and welcomed Starry to his penthouse.

"Ah, Starry! You came just in time, come on in", said Dr. Brian.

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