Chapter 32: Forgiveness

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Melinda managed to escape Cindy and arrived at West Ricia. She goes through the forest and finds a village. She still remembers that Cindy has shown her the same village during their planning meeting. She knows that the village is accommodated by the homunculus, so she has to be careful when she gets in there. Lucky for her, it's morning time, and all homunculus will turn into humans and do their job.

She then goes to the village and tries to find Aidan and Gabby. When she walked along the village, she saw a house that is looks like someone accommodated it, and she directly knows that the house is accommodated by Aidan and Gabby since the homunculus won't gonna accommodate those houses in the village since they all live apart from each other.

Melinda knocks on Aidan's house, which makes Aidan and Gabby scared that Cindy's minions or homunculus are coming for them. When Aidan opens up the door, he shocks to see Melinda in front of him.

"What are you doing here, huh? You want to kill us?!", asked Aidan in an angry tone.

"No, I'm not. I'm here to ask for help from you", said Melinda.

"How should I trust you after you betrayed all of us, huh?!"

Aidan then close the door on Melinda, and Melinda then shouted outside of the house, "I left Cindy! I can help you find your sisters before she finds them!"

Aidan then heard it and he want Melinda to stay outside, but after that, he decided to turn back to let Melinda in.

"Why did you leave her? I thought you glorify her because she's your 'savior', now why are you against her, huh?", asked Aidan.

"She has told the truth about her evil plan, which she wants to revive Carla and used me to make sure her plan worked. She was also the one that destroyed Bigenia and killed my parents. Now, I regret everything that I have done to you guys. I am so sorry. Please...I will do anything to make sure you all trust me", cried Melinda.

["Honey, don't trust her! She must be doing this to trick us."], said Gabby.

"I'm not tricking you this time. I swear! I'm being honest with you guys. Please...I'm begging you."

"What can you do so that we can trust you?", asked Aidan.

"I know where your sisters are. We can go look for them and go to West Ricia to gain access to the portal to return to our dimension. But of course, Cindy and her minions will be there. We need to take precautions once we're there. Please, you have to trust me!"

"Hmm. Give me a second."

Aidan then discusses with Gabby whether they should trust Melinda after what she has done before to them.

["Honey, are you sure you want to trust her? I don't know if she's telling the truth. You know what she has done to us last time, right?"], said Gabby.

"I have a plan, darling. If she betrayed us, we will finish her off. Right now, we trust her. If she's bringing us to my sisters, then yes she can be trusted. Do you trust me?", said Aidan.

["Sigh, okay. I trust you, honey."]

Then, Aidan and Gabby meet with Melinda.

"Alright, we trust you. Lead the way. But I swear if you betrayed us again, I'm going to finish you off. Do you understand?"

"Of course. Come on, we have to find them before they did."

Back in the north Ricia, Alicia and Thomas are ready to find Aidan and Annie in the east of Ricia. They will go along with anti-Sam and his family to search for Aidan and Annie.

"Darling, you're ready?", asked Thomas to Alicia that is sitting on the bed, thinking about something.

Alicia didn't hear her husband calling for her, so Thomas go towards her to snap herself.

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