Chapter 14: Vampire Apocalypse

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A year later, the year is 2061. All the main character's kids turned 16 (Alicia, Aidan, Lara & Prince Michael) and 15 (Annie, Judelle, Jordan & Princess Alyssa)

One day, Sam and his friends doing a discussion regarding a new crisis in the galaxy.

"So, I heard there is a new crisis in the galaxy. What is it?", asked King Benjamin.

"Your Majesty, from our agent's information, there is an apocalypse happening on Planet Vers", said Sam.

"What apocalypse? Are the citizens there safe?", asked Queen Adeline.

"It's a vampire apocalypse. Some of them survived, and some of them are dead by the vampire," said Sam.

"How terrible is the apocalypse?", asked Adam.

"Terrible. I scared if this apocalypse enters our kingdom, we're might or might not handle this apocalypse. Because there are a lot of types of vampires and I'm still observing and learning about it", said Sam.

"We need to increase the safety of our kingdom. Sam, tell our safety team in the whole kingdom to be careful. Naomi, take note of this too", said King Benjamin.

"Our kingdom will be careful with this situation too", said Naomi.

"So, did we know who's the leader or who's started this?", asked Leah.

"No, we didn't get that info yet, sis", said Sam.

"Sam, Iris, I want you both to go to Planet Vers to do observation regarding this issue. The others including Naomi be ready for this situation and also inform our Elementary Masters as well, they deserved to know about this", said King Benjamin.

Sam and Iris later packed their things to go to Planet Vers to do some observation regarding the vampire apocalypse.

"Mommy, Daddy. Where are you both going?", asked Alicia.

"We're going on a mission, sweetie. There is a vampire apocalypse there and we need to investigate", said Iris.

"Why do you both have to go? It's dangerous! We scared if we lost you!", said Annie.

"Don't you worry, ok? We'll be fine. We promise we will be back as soon as possible, okay?", said Sam.

Sam and Iris then hugged their kids before they go.

"We love you, mommy, daddy!", said the kids.

"We love you all too, kids!", said Sam and Iris.

Sam and Iris then later went to Planet Vers.

2 days later, Zack and Athena brought Alicia, Aidan, and Annie to Annie's friend, Melly's birthday party at a village near a mountain in Zagary.

"Remember kids. Be careful and stay together, just like what your parents said to you three. You know what happened right now, isn't it?", said Athena.

"Yes Aunty, we know about the apocalypse. We'll be careful, don't worry", said Alicia.

Alicia, Aidan, and Annie then went to Melly's house which is on a hill. They need to climb the hill and reach her house.

"Hi, Melly! Happy birthday! I brought you a present! I also bring my sister and brother!", said Annie.

"Thanks, Annie! You're my best friend! Come on in!", said Melly.

Inside the house, there are Melly's parents and friends. After that, a cutting cake ceremony is held and after that, they have a party.

"Annie, we both want to go out for a while. We want to find some groceries for us. You want to come?", asked Alicia.

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