Chapter 36: Space Friend

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One day, Kevin and Starry went to the cemetery to visit someone's grave. Someone that really special to Starry a long time ago, but she's already passed away. And that person's name is Celine.

"Hi, Celine! It's me Starry, your best friend! I'm sorry I didn't visit you for a very long time because I'm really busy since I get married to Kevin. Oh, and yes, I'm now married to Kevin as I told you before this when I have a crush on him. We finally managed to brace ourselves, to tell the truth about our feelings. But, I really wish you were here and see both of us together. I hope you can see us on the other side. I promise that I will visit you every weekend after this, okay? See you later, my best friend. I hope you're resting in peace in the afterlife."

Starry then leaves a bouquet of flowers at Celine's cemetery. After that, Starry and Kevin leave the cemetery and return to their home.

Starry then remembered her first time meeting up with Celine.

5 years ago, Peter and Pauline together with Starry who at that time was 16 went to a space station built by a scientist from Zagary, Dr. Beckham, and his wife, Dr. Amanda. The space station was used to study new materials they discovered in outer space and test them on the Zagary military force's weapons, including the Heroes team. The Heroes team is given the task to keep an eye on the Beck-1, which is the name of the space station.

When Peter and Pauline are discussing together with Beckham and Amanda their new findings, suddenly Starry saw a girl that is watching them from a distance. The girl is hiding in the corner, and Starry went to the corner to talk with her, but the girl seems scared.

"Hey! Don't be scared. I want to talk with you, please. What's your name?", asked Starry to the girl.

"I...I'm Celine", said Celine.

"I see. Do you want to play together with me? We could be friends!"

"Really? I...I never had a friend before because...I never left this station."


"I...I have a mystery disease that prevents me to see the outside world. If I go outside from this station, my disease will worsen and I could not live much longer, so my parents tell me to stay here in this station."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. So it means that you can't even see the beautiful world down there, like for the rest of your life?"

"Yeah, that seems to be it. I really wish I could go outside to see the world, you know? But..."

"Hey, it's okay. We can still have fun here together. Besides, I can visit you here whenever I have time or maybe I'll come here with my parents, then we can have fun together. What do you say?"

"Okay. Then, what are we waiting for? I show you this station, and then we can play together, how's that?"

"Great! Let's go then!"

From that moment, Starry has now befriended Celine. Both of them always spend time together by playing together in the space station, and sometimes Starry brings her homework to show Celine how the Earth's education is.

One day, Celine brings Starry to the front deck of the station.

"Why do you bring me here, Celine?", asked Starry.

"This is the place where I always look to the Earth and wonder, how is the life down there? How is everyone doing down there?"

Starry then looks at Celine's face which is upset when she looks at the Earth.

"Sigh. I wish if I have a chance, just for a shorter time, I want to go down to the Earth and experience what is down there on the Earth."

"Celine, I believe you can go down to the Earth one day. I will always pray for the best of your health."

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