Chapter 11: Ransom

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It's the year 2045 when Sam and the Heroes team members are already aged 25 and some of them are 24. This year, they all have their kids.

King Benjamin and Queen Adeline have a son called Michael, Prince Adam, and Princess Cally have a daughter called Alyssa, King Ian and Queen Naomi have a daughter called Lara, Zack and Athena have a daughter called Judelle, David and Leah have a son called Jordan, while for Sam and Iris have a twin (a girl and a boy) called Alicia and Aidan, and later on they have a younger daughter called Annie.

They all take good care of them and when they have already grown up, they teach their kids about their powers and how to control it.

Alicia has all 9 Elemental powers just like her father, Sam, while Aidan has Earth elemental power and Annie has Psychic power. Jordan has Ice elemental power, while Judelle has Solar elemental power. Lara has Water elemental power, Michael has Thunder & Air elemental power and Alyssa has Plant & Fire elemental power.

Time flies fast, and the year now is 2060. Sam and Iris already turned 40 years old. Their kids, Alicia and Aidan turned 15 while Annie turned 14.

One day, Sam and his family bumped into Jenny, Sam's old friend back in high school.

"Sam, long time no see you. How are you?", asked Jenny.

"I'm fine. So, where do you live now?", asked Sam.

"I started to live here by myself. So, I see you're married now. And you have kids?"

"Yes, these are our kids, Alicia, Aidan, and Annie. And here is my wife, Iris. She...actually blind, but still I love her so much."

"Aww, they're so cute. And I'm sorry about your wife."

"Yes, they are. It's okay, at least I'm happy with her. Oh, we need to go now. See you."

After Sam, Iris, Alicia, Annie, and Aidan leave, Jenny then makes an angry face and said in her heart, "How dare you destroyed my heart, Sam?! I can't believe you betrayed my loyalty to you! I will get you no matter what, Sam. Just you wait!"

The next day, Sam once again bumped into Jenny.

"Hi, Sam! Can we talk for a while?"

"Hi! Sure, no problem."

"So, how are you?"

"Fine. I'm happy with Iris and my kids. How about you?"

"I'm fine. Well, it's been a long time since we last met right?"

"Yes, that's true."

"I...I don't know if you still remember back when we high school. Do you still remember?"

Sam then remembered how Jenny's attitude back when he was in high school. Jenny was a playgirl and always hang out with boys in high school. Then, when he saw Sam, she change her attitude and if she saw a boy that she hang out with, she will say that she has a boyfriend which is Sam, and that made Sam uncomfortable.

When Jenny asks Sam that question, he tries to find a way to avoid her. Then, he said, "Umm, oh! I am already late for my meeting with the King. I have to go now."

Sam then leaves Jenny and he's happy that he get away from her. After a few days, Sam realized that Jenny always bumped into him, like every day and non-stop. Sam also from there knew that Jenny can't move on with him.

Until one day, she did something that was really out of her mind.

One day after the gymnastic class session ended, Alicia, Annie, and Aidan together with Judelle, Lara, and Justin went to hang out at a café since their parents have some matters to do in the kingdom. When they're walking in an alleyway, suddenly Alicia was kidnapped and they all tried to find Alicia but they can't find her. Where did she go actually?

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