Chapter 8: The Ultimate Battle

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One day, Sam urgently called up his team members for a meeting. He seems so terrified.

"Bro, what's wrong? Are you okay?", asked Athena.

"No, sis. I...I had the worst nightmare yesterday, and I was scared if my nightmare becomes true, it's all over", said Sam.

"Wait, what? What do you mean "your nightmare will become true", brother?", asked Leah.

"He's having this nightmare which shows that our galaxy was ruined and conquered by Carla last night", said Iris.

"Yeah. Another thing that I was scared of inside the nightmare is you all blamed me because I didn't grant my promise to bring peace to all galaxies and you all started to hate me including my sisters and my wife", said Sam.

Last night, when Sam and Iris were both sleeping, Sam was having a creepy nightmare. The explanations of the nightmare are already being told. Sam was somehow tired and weak in the nightmare and all of his friends, siblings, and even his wife were dead. After that, he saw Carla laugh evilly and say to him something before she stabbed him to death.

"Looks like your wishes are not coming true now, Sam. I have already conquered this galaxy and now everyone will bow to me. Hahahahaha! And now, you had to die with your dreams that cannot be achieved anymore!"

After that, he is more disturbed by hearing many voices of his friends and even his parents say to him that he's their failure and he failed to protect the galaxy from destruction.

Suddenly, he saw his sisters come to Sam but with mad faces.

"Sis, what's with your both face?", asked Sam.

"You failed us, brother. You ruined our parent's wish. You're terrible, brother!", said Leah.

"You're terrible, brother! I hate you!", said Athena.

"Wait Leah, Athena, please, I'm sorry! I've failed. But please give me another chance", said Sam.

"There is no apology for you, brother. You are already dead. No one will ever forgive you if you broke your promise, even to us", said Athena.

"No! Please don't leave!", said Sam.

Then after his sisters disappeared, his wife which is Iris came to him. She's looking for Sam's face and directly slaps him.

"Why, honey? Why do you make us suffer seeing this galaxy is gone and you let us die?", asked Iris.

" can't be happening! Darling, please stay with me! I'm so sorry, I failed! I can fix this", said Sam.

"You can't honey! It's over! All galaxies are now under Carla. You failed all of us. Now you're gonna live here with your failure with the dark side. Goodbye", said Iris.

"Wait...wait...darling no! Please, don't leave me! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...", shouted Sam.

"Ahh-hah-hah-hah...", Sam then later awakes from his sleep and his creepy nightmare. Iris is also awake after hearing that he is shouting.

"Honey, what's wrong?", asked Iris.

"I...I just have the worst nightmare ever. I...I dream about the galaxies being conquered by Carla and all of our friends, my sisters, and even you were dead. I am also already dead and all of you start to hate me because I broke my parents and even my promise to bring peace to all the galaxies and you all leave me and...I didn't have anyone. I just have my failure on me", said Sam.

"Oh...calm down honey. Just calm down", said Iris.

"I...I was scared if my nightmare became reality, I... I will lose all of our friends, my sisters, and even you", said Sam.

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