Chapter 6: Fairy

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One day in Zagary castle, Queen Maria and her children received a visitor from a kingdom called Yocan, a fairy kingdom.

"Your Highness. I'm Princess Phoebe, the Fairy Princess. I'm on behalf of my mother from the Yocan kingdom want to meet the leader of a team here called The Nebulas", said Phoebe.

"Oh, so you want to meet our cousin, Sam?", asked Cally.

"Sam? Is that the leader of The Nebulas team?", asked Phoebe.

"Yes. I will call him to come here", said Benjamin.

Benjamin then called Sam at his office.

"Sam, there's someone who wants to meet with you at the Conference Room", said Benjamin.

"Really? Who might it be?", wondered Sam.

"Just follow me. They all have been waiting for you."

"Alright then, fine."

Afterward, Benjamin and Sam along with Leah and Athena arrived at the Conference Room.

"Your Highness, is there anything that you want to discuss until you call us?", asked Sam.

"Sam, there is someone who wants to meet you", said Queen Maria.

"Hello, Sam. I'm Phoebe, the Fairy Princess from Yocan. I need your help to save our kingdom from danger", said Phoebe.

"It's nice to meet you, Phoebe. This is my sisters, Leah and Athena. What happened to your kingdom?", asked Sam.

"My kingdom is being attacked by a kingdom called Gruven. They even trapped my sister, Ally."

"Gruven?! Not them again! What did they do to all of you?"

"Well, one day when my team consisting of Wilson, Melly, Xavier, Ally, and I going to fight with them, my sister sacrificed herself when she was going to close a portal that almost destroyed our kingdom. At that time, she got herself an upgrade in her fairy power. Each of us fairies must have power upgrades every once a year. All of us already got our upgrade but not my little sister, so at that time she got her upgraded power. She used her upgraded power to close the portal but the portal sucks her inside and after that, the portal is closed and she is trapped inside there", explained Phoebe.

"We're sorry to hear that, Phoebe", said Athena.

"Do you know where your sister is?", asked Leah.

"That's another reason I'm looking for all of you here. My mother wants your team to save our kingdom, defeat Gruven, and rescue my sister", said Phoebe.

"Don't worry. We'll defeat them because we have defeated them before and supposedly Gruven is now under our control. About your sister Ally, we'll help you to find and rescue her", said Sam.

"Thank you so much, Sam. That's why my mother said that your team is the best superhero team in the whole galaxy", said Phoebe.

"You go home first. We'll go to your kingdom very soon", said Leah.

"Okay. I appreciate your willingness to help us", said Phoebe.

After Phoebe leaves, Sam and her sisters are discussing Phoebe's case.

"I feel sad about Phoebe's sister. She sacrificed herself to save her kingdom", said Athena.

"I know. And we're going to find her. We're gonna help her to bring her kingdom peace again. That's our team's principle. Isn't that right, brother?", said Leah.

"That's right, my sister. I will gather all our teammates to discuss this", said Sam.

The next day, he brings this issue to the team meeting. They all agreed to help Phoebe and the Yocan kingdom and will start the mission tomorrow. At the same time, Sam and Dr. Bill upgrade the bracelet that they used to become a mermaid for their mission at Cearus so that they can use it to become a fairy.

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