Chapter 18: Humanoid

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The year is 2065. It is the modern era in Zagary, and a company in Zagary called Droid Tech Company creates technology items for Zagary citizens to use to ease their lifestyles. One day, the company created a robot that looks like a human called 'Humanoid'. Humanoid functions to help citizens with their jobs and lifestyle, but at the same time they are deserved to have the same lifestyle as human beings because Rule 105 of Zagary's Law stated that:

"Humanoids deserved to have the same freedom and rightful as the citizens in this kingdom to prevent any wars or conflict happening to make sure this kingdom stays peaceful and in harmony."

Heroes team does not miss the chance to have a humanoid for themselves to help the team in various ways. The humanoid is a male and they called it Edwin. Edwin is friendly and always listen to the instruction given by them. He sometimes joined them on some missions too.

Humanoids and the citizens of Zagary live in peace without wars and conflict between them due to humanoids having the freedom and right to do their lifestyle, just like the other citizens in Zagary. But there is someone that broke the law and made the humanoids suffer.

One day, the Heroes team received a report that there is a house in Zagary that is doing illegal work on the humanoids. Alicia together with her team and also Edwin went to that house not far from the city center to investigate it and capture the owner.

After they arrived at that house, they went to see if someone is inside the house. They tried to make the owner out of the house to meet them but seems nobody is home. Suddenly, a humanoid that seems to work as a maid opens the door and lets them into the house.

"Ah, glad all of you came! I'm Sara, the maid humanoid and I'm the one who called you", said Sara.

"Sara, where's your owner?", asked Alicia.

"Oh, my owner went outside to buy stuff. He just went out not long ago."

"Sara, you reported said that there is illegal work happening here. Can you give us the details?", asked Edwin.

"Okay, so my owner did something bad. This thing I just knew yesterday. So, to be short, my owner has bought a humanoid which is a female like me before as his assistant. One day, my owner wants to do an illegal experiment on her. At first, she didn't agree with him, but he said to her that this experiment is going to make her more intellectual. So, she agreed with him and they go on with the experiment."

"So, where is it now?", asked Alicia.

"Follow me."

They all then went down to the basement and found a room that uses as a laboratory. Suddenly, they saw a humanoid in there. They are all shocked to see that most of the humanoid's body which is a female look intact except for her hands, feet, and upper torso including her face are badly burned. Not only that, her head has been completely split open.

"Oh my god! What happened to her?", asked Edwin.

"Well, my owner's experiment turned out to be failed. Her head is completely open by him, and some of her body parts are completely burned due to some mistakes made by him during the experiment. Then, he abandoned her here and bought me as a replacement. By the way, her name is Ellie and she is still functional. By that, I mean she can communicate with us."

"How do you know about this?", asked Alicia.

"My owner told me the story and tell me to keep the secret and never tell the authorities about it, but I feel bad for her because she's suffering and I need someone to help her get her life back."

"You did the right thing calling us, Sara. Don't worry, we will bring her back to our base and I will try to repair her. Is my plan, okay, Alicia?", said Edwin.

"Sure, I allow you to have her. Make sure you try to repair her, okay?", said Alicia.

Suddenly, they heard a door being closed and they knew that the owner of the house has returned. They all went upstairs to capture him.

"Mr. William Benson, you are under arrest for doing an illegal experiment on a humanoid. Please come with us", said Alicia.

"What?! I didn't do things like that! Who told you this, ha?", mad Mr. William.

"It's me who told them!", said Sara.

"You! You stupid little humanoid! Didn't I tell you to not tell anyone?!", mad Mr. William.

"I'm sorry, sir. But I had to do it, for the sake of Ellie and everyone. Ellie deserves freedom, and so do I. I want to quit!", said Sara.

Mr. William is then mad but he can't do anything since he's now under arrest by the Heroes team. The Heroes team then brought him to the police station for the next action that will be taken against him.

Meanwhile, Edwin went to the basement to bring Ellie back to the lab so that he can try to fix her. Suddenly, Edwin was shocked that Ellie was talking to him.

"Hello, who's there?", asked Ellie.

"Hello, I'm Edwin from the Heroes team and I'm a humanoid. I'm here to rescue and bring you back to our base for me to fix you", said Edwin.

"Oh, so you're a humanoid too? That's great to hear! And you're from the Heroes team? I have heard about it. You all are the savior of the galaxy and protectors of our kingdom. But, can you even fix me with my condition like this?"

"Don't worry. I will try to fix you up and I'm going to make sure you're back to your normal self."

"Thanks, Edwin. I appreciate you want to help someone like me."

"You're welcome, Ellie. It's my job to help people, just like my teammates did too."

Edwin then brings Ellie to the Heroes team base for the fixing process.

A week later, Edwin is still fixing up on Ellie since it's really hard to fix what Mr. William has done to her. At the same time, Edwin wants to tell her something secret to Ellie that he's hiding for a long time.

"How is it, Edwin?", asked Ellie.

"I'm currently fixing up your head to return to normal position. It seems that Mr. William did bad damage to you, but don't worry I can fix you up, just I neither can change nor fix your skin because it completely burned. So, I hope you're okay with your current skin."

"It's okay. I'm just scared if I'm already fixed, people are going to hate me because my skin is burned and not beautiful."

"Hey, don't say like that! You're really beautiful in my eyes. I don't care if you're pretty or not, what matters is your pure heart tame my heart."

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I... like you, Ellie."

"W-what?! Are you being serious right now?!"

"Yes, I am serious! I'm falling in love with you since the first we met at your old owner's house. Although you're not beautiful and damaged, you're beautiful and perfect to me."

"I...I don't even know what to say. But...I also like you too, Edwin. Although I can't see you for now due to my head split open and the wiring system being a bit malfunctioning due to it, I can feel the aura of your caring inside you. At that moment, I feel some kind of connection with you. It's like...I'm falling in love with you. But when you confessed that you fall in love with me, I feel happy that you do like me, even though I'm looking like this."

"Hey, I don't care if you look like this. I don't care what the people out there will say about us after this. What matters is, that I love you and I want to be with you. Maybe after I fixed you up, we married?", said Edwin in shy intonation.

Ellie was also really shy when Edwin said that to her, although she can't show her expression since her head was split open and the wiring system was completely broken.

Then, Ellie said, "I'm okay if you want to be with me."

Edwin is shocked and happy at the same to hear what Ellie said.

"Thanks, Ellie. I will continue my job to fix you now", said Edwin.

"You're welcome, Edwin. Sure, go on with it", said Ellie.

Edwin then continues to fix up Ellie. It's challenging for him, but he never gives up on his job.

A month later, he finally managed to make her head turns normal, but there was a slight problem. He can't fully connect her head due to some wiring issue that's tough for Edwin to settle since it's really hard for him to repair it. At the same time, he also managed to make Ellie regain back her blue eyes. Her face and arm can't move by her due to the system error have been fixed as well and she can move them now.

"Hey Ellie, check this out!", said Edwin and he show a mirror to her to see herself.

Ellie was then shocked to see herself and said, "Wow, you fixed me! Thank you, Edwin! But, why does my head still have a bit of a gap?"

"Oh, about that, I tried to make your head gap fully close, but I can't because the wiring system inside it is a mess. If I force you to close it, you're going to be damaged."

"It's okay. I'm okay with myself like this. I'm glad and grateful that I've been fixed, all thanks to you."

"No mention, Ellie. Remember what I said, I love and care for you, that's why I want you to be fixed so that you can get your life back. But this time, you're not doing this alone. You have the Heroes team, and you have me."

Ellie then felt shy and said, "Thanks, Edwin. So, since I am already being fixed, when can we continue our relationship?"


Edwin stop speaking and took out a box from his pocket. He then shows her the box and opens it up. Ellie is shocked to see a ring inside it.

"We can start from now if you want", said Edwin.

Ellie then shies and took out her right hand to Edwin. Edwin is shocked that Ellie accepted his proposal. He then put out the ring on her ring finger. And now it's official that Edwin and Ellie are almost becoming a partner.

A few weeks later, the Heroes team held a marriage ceremony just for them. The ceremony was only attended by the Heroes team, the Royal Family, and VIPs from Zagary. Everyone is happy that Edwin and Ellie are now a partner and this makes history when the first humanoid marriage happened in the whole galaxy. Everyone thinks it's crazy and impossible, but sometimes something impossible can be made possible and they prove that humanoids also have the right to have a marriage like the other community in the whole galaxy.

As Edwin said before to Ellie, he doesn't care how is her appearance, but the important thing is her feeling inside, which is why she really loves him so much, and so does him as well. What if they want to have a kid? Well luckily, with Edwin's knowledge of robotics, he can create a child humanoid if they are both ready to have their kids. Right now, they're not ready yet and they want to have some time with them first. They both live happily ever after.

The Heroes team also has its own love story as well.

Firstly, we're going to tell about Alicia. Alicia likes Thomas. She likes him not because of pity for the condition of his and his mother's living, but true love.

One day, when Alicia visits Thomas and his mother, Sandra, Thomas wants to confess to Alicia that he likes her and wants to marry her.

"Alicia, I want to tell you something...very important", said Thomas.

"What is it?", asked Alicia.

"I...I like you, Alicia, since we first time we met at the university. You are a kind girl and that made me like you. You help me and my mother, and I appreciate it. It's okay if you want to say you don't like me, I don't care."

"What are you talking about? I also like you too!"

"Wait what?! Are you serious? Am I dreaming or something?"

"No, you're not. I also like you, you're a nice guy and friend. You always help me if I'm having trouble and you are always a good hearer."

"So you're not like me because of your pity for me and my mother?"

"No, I'm not. I like you...from the bottom of my heart I do like you."

"So if like that..."

Thomas then took out his ring specially made for Alicia and said, "Will you marry me?"

Alicia then was shocked by Thomas's proposal. She then becomes a bit shy and after a while, she said, "Of course!"

Thomas is then really happy that Alicia accepted his proposal. He then wore the ring to Alicia. They both then inform their parents of the proposal and they all are happy to hear it.

Weeks later, they both got married and their parents were really happy that they both are now together.

Other than them is Aidan, which is Alicia's twin brother. He had a crush on Gabby since his sister introduces her to him. He also wonders if he can take care of Gabby since she's a homunculus at night time, but he already made a decision that he still going to be with her. He then informs his parents and they supported him. They said to him that he no need to be scared and believed in himself and that he can take care of her.

Aidan then tells Gabby his feelings.

"Gabby, I...I would like to marry you. I know, you think I'm crazy. But I'm crazy falling in love with you."

["I also like you, Aidan. But...can you take care of me since you know, I'm a homunculus at night time? Wouldn't you mind of that?"]

"I don't mind, Gabby. I can take care of you, I don't mind if you're a homunculus. I promise I will protect you till the end of my life. I love you, Gabby."

["I love you too, Aidan. Thanks for giving me a chance to be with you, although I'm not perfect."]

"That's fine, Gabby. I promise we're going to stick together no matter what's going to happen to us both."

Soon, they both got married and this brings back the memory of the marriage of Zack and Athena where Athena is a half-human and half-mutant (snake), and also Ian and Noah where Noah is a half-human and half-mermaid.

For Annie, it's...a bit different. As you all know, Annie now is half-human and half-vampire. Jackson, which studied the same grade as Annie loves Annie. Annie likes him too but she doesn't want him to know about her real identity since she's a half-vampire.

One day, Jackson had a study group with Annie. Suddenly, Jackson has a crazy idea to do with Annie.

"Annie, may I ask you something?", asked Jackson.

"What?", said Annie.

"Why are you always wearing a mask every time and every day?"

"That's none of your business."

"Why do you need to hide your beautiful face? Come let me open it."

"No! Don't!"

Jackson then opened Annie's mask and he managed to do it, but Annie hurried to cover her face with her hand.

"No! Don't look at me!"

"Why? Why you're scared to show it?"

"Don't look at me! Just go away!"

Annie then ran away from Jackson because she doesn't want to show her real face to Jackson.

"What did I do wrong? I just opened her mask, that's all! Why she's hiding her face though?"

Jackson then followed where Annie went and he saw Annie sitting at the edge of a pond. He saw from far away that she was looking at her reflection in the water and crying. He then went to her to calm her down and give her mask back.

"Annie? Are you okay?"

Annie was then shocked Jackson came to her and she directly covers her face with her hand.

"What are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone!", mad Annie.

"Annie, please let me see your face, just for once?"


"Why? Why you're hiding it? Is there something that you hide from me and all of us?"

Annie then remains silent.

"Please, Annie? Show it to me?"

"You will be shocked."

"I won't, I promise."

"Alright then...if you said so."

Annie then lifts down her hand slowly and shows her true self.

After she fully lifts down her hand and shows her face, Jackson is a bit shocked to see Annie has sharp teeth and looks like a vampire.

"What...what happened to you? Are you...being mutated or something?"

Annie then started to cry and said, "Curse."

"How's this happened? Who did this to you?"

"Come...let me tell you."

Jackson then has a seat with Annie and she started to tell him the real story of how she's being cursed and transformed into a vampire.

After telling the story, Jackson now knows why Annie's covering her face all this time.

"I'm so sorry, Annie. Now I know why you're covering your face all this time, to make sure we're all not freaking out and know you're a vampire. I promise I will not tell about this to anyone."

"I trust you, Jackson. My parents and even the Royal Family tried to find ways how to break the curse, but they can't. Seems like I will be like this...forever."

"Annie, you shouldn't give up on your life. You can move on after you transformed, isn't it? I believe you can, Annie. I will always support and if can...protect you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I...I want to tell you something. Something that I want to tell you a long time ago. I love you, Annie. Since the first time I see you, you've already been in my heart. I try so many ways, to tell the truth, but you always avoid me, maybe because of what happened to you and I understand. But now, it's time for me to be together and protect you, the same as what your family did."

"I...I also love you, Jackson. I also want to tell the truth about my heart to you, but because of what happened to me, I'm scared to tell you and I am also scared...if you will hate me if you like this."

"Annie, I don't hate you. I also do not hate you because you're a vampire. If you give me a chance, I will love and protect you, Annie."

"You sure you can be with me? Even though I'm a vampire, you'll still love me?"

"Of course! Only you're the one in my heart, Annie. So, what do you say?"

Annie then smile and said, "Yes, I want to be with you."

Jackson was then excited and he showed the ring to Annie. Annie was shocked to see the ring and let Jackson put the ring on her. After that, Jackson holds out Annie's mask.

"Here, I think this is yours."

"Thanks, Jackson."

Annie then took the mask and wear it. After that, they stay there to watch the sunset.

"Isn't it beautiful, Jack?"

"Yes, it's beautiful. Just like you."

Annie and Jackson smiled and look at each other. They then hold hands and continue to watch the sunset.

Weeks later, Annie and Jackson were officially husband and wife. Everyone is really happy to see they're both together, although everyone didn't know about Annie's true self, only Jackson and their family and also the Royal Family knew about Annie's true self.

For Judelle, Mason is her partner. Mason has had a crush on Judelle since he met her first time during cheerleading class. When Mason proposed to Judelle, Judelle asked him if he can accept her that is a half-human and half-snake. Mason said he doesn't care what she is, the important thing is his feeling for her and he wants to take care of her. Judelle then accepts him and later they get married.

Jordan's partner is called Sarah who is also Annie's friend while Lara is married to her interested man which is Prince Kelvin. He's the young prince and also a mermaid in an underwater kingdom called Wooter Land. Lara likes him because of his braveness and caring, and also Kelvin likes her too. Lara's parents, Queen Naomi, and Ian including Kelvin's parents agreed that they both can be together.

As for the royal family, Prince Michael is a partner with a princess from a kingdom that the Heroes team has been to before which is Bernard, and her name is Princess Sabrina, while Princess Alyssa, she's married to a prince also from a kingdom that the Heroes team has been before which is Fairy Land, and his name is Prince Anthony.

And that's their love story. But after this, they need to be together as a team because there might be a bigger problem that's going to happen than what happened before this during Sam's time.

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