Chapter 35 - Hannah

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Ethan took me back to his place after our confession at the cliff. We settled down to watch a movie that hadn't been watched in the end. We gathered some pellows and some blankets to build a fort. We cuddled in it and talked all day. I knew that, when I get home, I needed to talk to Jack. But I didn't wanted to do it on text. I have to do it face to face.

Then it was time for me to return back to my dad's. In a way I was glad to get out of that insane house but I didn't wanted to face Jack. I wasn't ready. Ethan wished me luck. He knows how hard it is for me to do this.

When I opened the door to get in my house and Melissa, Patrick, Julia, Dad, Julia's dad all jumped out of nowhere yelling "SURPRISE!" I was speechless.

"What? What is all this?" I asked, while Julia hugged me.

"It's a welcoming party!" Melissa said.

"We thought since you were gone for two weeks and that we missed you, we should celebrate!" Dad added.

"Well you guys really surprised me!" I said.

I noticed someone in the corner of my eye who stood aside, arms crossed, staring at me. As I turned my head, I see Jack standing in the door way, walking my way. My heart stopped. Everyone stopped talking. Jack came about a few inches from me. It felt weird to be around him. I didn't move. He took me in his arms. I hugged him back. I guess I've missed him after all. Everyone else had gone to the kitchen and living room to give us some privacy.

We've stayed like that, in each other's arms for at least five minutes. Then I knew I had to talk to him about Ethan.

But he spoke first. "Hannah...Good lord I missed you."

"If you did, then why didn't you text me or called me or even came to see me?"

He stepped back. "I did go see you."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did. Didn't you received the flowers I delievered to your house? I gave them to your step sister so she'd give it to you."

I then realised that Jack was actually the one who delievered the Middlemist to Angelique a few days earlier. That little witch hid the fact that he came to see me so that she'd have all the attention to herself.

"No I didn't got it. Angelique told me that it was her secret admirer who brought her the bouquet."

"What a bitch!" Jack grabbed both my biceps. "Hannah, I came to your mom's house to apologies."

"I know you did..." I replied, coldly.

"Then why didn't you message me! I was worried!" He shook me a little with his big firm hands still stuck to my arms.

"...I was busy..."

"For a full week?" His tone was a little agressif. I knew right then that he was suspecting something.

"Yes. For a full week I forgot about you. I had a great time, I had fun! For a full week, I didn't worry about if you were doing drugs, or in trouble with the police. For a full week, I had time to think...a lot."

"What were you thinking about?" He dropped his hands to his sides and his voice was soft. Almost like a whisper.

"You... Us...I had a lot of time to consider." I simply said. He didn't respond, so I continued. "Listen Jack. I think...that its time...for us to move on and see other people."

Tears came to my eyes when I took a good look at his expression. He looked like a sad puppy who lost his mother. He was ready to cry. His hands became fist.


He interrupted me. "Is it about Ethan?"

I was startled. I didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought." He grabbed his coat and stormed out the door. I heard his car engine start and drove off our driveway. Julia came to see how I was doing. She hugged me and I fell into tears when my head hit her shoulder. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I fell on my knees, I became weak. Julia stayed by my side the whole time, sitting on the floor with me. She knows what it was like to have your heart broken. Everyone went home. Julia helped me get to my room where I called Ethan. I couldn't speak throughout my sobs but I needed him to be here. Eventually, he figured out what I was talking about and drove to my house. Julia had to go home so she waited for Ethan to arrive so I'd never had to be alone. I appreciate everything she'd done for me.

My face was red and puffy. Ethan almost didn't recognize me. I was lying on my bed, with my teddy bear against my chest when he came in and he sat beside me, now holding me in his arms. We sat silently like that, without saying anything. By then, the sobs had stopped but warm tears were still falling on my cheeks.

"I broke his heart." I finally said. "I've never seen this much hurt in someone's face." My voice was shaky and tired.

Ethan held me closer to him, both his arms around my upper body.

"He just told me he'd missed me." I continued. "It was the hardest thing I had to do."

I felt his hand petting my hair to comfort me. His warm soft lips slowly kissed my forehead. I tighten my grip around his waste. I sight. Breath Hannah. It's over. You chose Ethan over him. Your suppose to be happy it's over. Why are you crying? I looked at the handsome guy holding me in his arms. He looked back with his tender loving piercing green eyes.

"Ethan...?" I finally said.

"Yes?" He hadn't stop looking at me.

I took a deep breath before saying, "...I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too Hannah." He leaned forward and kissed me. We both fell asleep while holding each other. I guess my dad let it pass for tonight since I had a rough day.

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