Chapter 10-Jack

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I didn't know what to do once again. I couldn't go back home, my parents would beat my ass just for not being at school at the moment. As I was walking toward the park, the memory of Hannah and Julia getting hit by that baseball bat got back to me and a hate towards Malik came over me. He was stupid enough to hit not only inoncent people, but girls. I had to calm myself before I do something completly stupid like him so I decided to stop at the hospital to see Hannah. Would she be happy to see me? I wonder if she feels the same way that I do. Actually, what do I feel about her? She's sweet thats for sure. But I think that it's the way that she talks to me that peals me. Nobody has ever talked to me the way she does. It's like she cares. She really do care about what I'm saying. I'm not invisible when I'm around her. She helps me forget all of my problems and I feel like myself around her. I think...I think I like her...a lot.

I walked in front of a flower shop and stoped. I wonder what kind of flower she would like. Since I'm on my way to see her, why not bring her some! The cashier was already busy with another customer when I came in so it got me some time to look around. Wow. Flowers of every color possible. But the ones who got my attention was a beautiful light pink flower that was peacefully resting in a seethrough vase.

"A very rare flower there. It's from New Zealand." The cashier said, standing behind me.

"Really?" I said. I've never seen anything this beautiful before.

"It's called the Middlemist Camellia. 60$ for this magestic plant."

"Oh my godness! I don't have that kind of money. I only have 20$. Can you please reduce the price? It's for a...friend thats in the hospital and I know she would like this flower very much." I said.

"A friend? As in a girlfriend?" He asked.

"Something like that yeah..."

"Hummm...let me see what I can do." He finally said, heading behind the cash.

After fifteen minutes of typing on his computer and talking on the phone, he finally came up to me and said, "They are willing to let you have it for 20$."

"That's the best news I've heard all day! Thank you!" I said.

It was about 6pm when I arrived at the hospital's parking lot. I saw Julia and Brendon climb into a red Toyota. Well maybe the visiting hours are over...But I'm still going to deliver my flower. The receptionist recongnized me right away and led me to Hannah's room, where she was already asleep. I put my flower on her night stand and as I was about to quietly walk out of the room, I heard,

"No. Don't go."

I slowly turned around to face Hannah half seated on her bed.

"I hope I didn't wake you up." I said, calmly.

"No...I was awake." She said. "You brought me a flower?" She looked fascinated at the flower. "What kind is it?"

As I walked to side by her side I replied,

"It's a Middlemist Camellia. It's the rarest flower in the world and is only found in New Zealand. Do you like it?"

"Like it?...I LOVE it! It's beautiful!" She said with a smile.

I hesitated. "...But not as beautiful as you."

She froze.

So did I.

Did I really just said that?! I didn't think this through. I looked at her reaction. She seemed...flattered?

"That's sweet of you." She simply said, with a smirk.

I just wanted to slap myself in the face.

"...I...I should maybe go..." I replied, quickly grabbing my bag and heading toward the door.

"Wait!" I heard her say. "Please stay. It's just that...I'm not used to hear things like that."

I returned by her side.

"Why not?" I asked.

" see, I'm not the type of girl boys falls in love with."

Her statement totally shocked me.

"But you're beautiful, inside and out. How can anyone not want to go out with you?"

She fell quiet for a couple of seconds to anwser, "It's just that I'm scared to get attached to anyone. Cuz everyone who once said "I'll be there for you" left."

I didn't know how to respond to that. She seemed so fragile all of a sudden. Like she might brake if she says another word. So all I did was get closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. She put her head against my shoulder and I felt tears wet my T-shirt.

"You have Julia...And your family." I finally said.

" Not even. Since my mom left us, i've been barely talking to my sister and well...we're just not a family anymore. I feel so alone."

We just sat there. In total silence, holding each other in our arms, my head resting against hers.

I finally wispered to her, "I'll never leave you like your mother did. Or anyone. I'll be there for you. No matter what...I promise."

I felt her tense body relaxe as my words slowly made sense to her.

I heard a little "Thank you." Coming from her mouth. We stayed like that until a nurse came and seperated us.

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