Chapter 22-Hannah

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I got worried sick about him. Where is he? Did he got back to his place? The park? He didn't left me any notes. My breathing got a little out of control. I went to my dad and cried out, "He's gone Dad!"

My dad almost immediatly stood up and took me in his loving arms.

"Oh my. It's okay sweety. He must not be far. Don't worry! What happened to you two last night? I heard some noise coming from the living room."

"We...had...a fight." I said, between my sobs. He didn't said anything. Nothing had to be said too.

" still have to go to school dear. Maybe he'll be smart enough to be there too so you guys can work things out. So go get yourself ready." Dad gave me a little gentle push toward my room, and thats where I went.

My headache came back out of no where when I got to school. The stress, they say, makes it come back whenever. I looked everywhere for Jack. But no one had seen him or heard anything about him this morning. Then, came the history class.

The second I saw him coming through the doorway, I was releived he was okay but yet I was angry. After the class was done, he stormed out of the classroom. I follow him to his locker. He didn't see me coming. As soon as he closed his locker door, he jumped at the sight of me.

"I owe you an explanation." I tell him.

He just looked at me with his brown eyes. Noticing that he won't say anything, I took a step toward him.

"Ethan is my Ex. We had a past together. But that was a long time ago. Recently, he started talking to me again, but I kept ignoring him. We've dated for about a month and the reason we broke up is because...well...he was too possesif of me. I couldn't speak to my friends anymore, I was living in fear that he might rage out on me. So, one day, I told him it was over and he never got over it. He is a dangerous man Jack. I heard he had hit his mom because she said he couldn't have the car. Ethan always gets what he wants. I want you to stay away from him."

He stood still. His motionless face was giving me no clue on what he was feeling nor thinking. And when he opened his mouth, I couldn't believe what he said.

"Hannah...I don't think I am right for you. I'm as dangerous to you as Ethan is. I went to jail! What more does it takes you? I do drugs, I drink, I have no home, no that really what you want as a boyfriend? You have a better future without me. I'm sorry."  He walked away, head down, making his way to probably meet Jordan for lunch break.

I met Julia at our usual lunch table to explain to her what happened with Jack.

"He got all strange and then told me that he wasn't right for me...Julia, what does it means?"

"I don't know and I don't care." She turns to Brendon.

"Julia?! Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't."

"Then why do I feel not welcome here?"

Brendon spoke for her. "Because you're not."

Shocked, I look at Julia who couldn't even face me. Then, I look at the whole table in general. Everyone had stopped eating and was looking at me now. Something told me to get out of here. And thats what I did, with tears in my eyes. Why is everyone against me? I asked myself.

The only place where I felt save from everyone and everything, was the garden. My bench was all ready to receive me. I was alone with my thoughts under the apple tree. I have lost my mom, Julia and now Jack? All the people I love and care about are out of my life. What have I done to deserve all of this? I couldn't think straight. My breathing got a lot worse than it was back home. Except tears wasn't falling from my dry eyes. My headache came back a lot stronger than before. My eyes got blurry. I couldn't see nor hear anything. My feet got numb. What is happening to me? I heard a familiar voice in the background. Suddenly, I wasn't sitting on the bench anymore, but face on the ground. My eyes were wide open but yet everything was dark like night. My heart is beating like crazy. The only thing I got out of my mouth was Help.

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