Chapter 32 - Jack

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Hannah is gone it's been not even a day and it feels like it's been forever. After our talk on the phone, I punched the wall, leaving my knucles with it's blood. I betrayed her. I'm scared to lose her. But I had to do it. I felt like a huge hole in my heart that I had to fill. I thought about lying to her. But I couldn't. She deserved the truth, even though it hurts. Jordan had a lot to do about this. He's the one who talked me into doing drugs behind her back, presuming that she will never know. she knows.

I put my hands behind my head and sit on my bed.

"Hannah..." I wispered to myself. I felt something warm and wet fall down my cheek. A tear. How long has it been since the last time I cried for a girl? Or for anything actually? I couldn't even remember.

I walked downstairs. I was home alone. My parents are gone to work so I have the whole house to myself. I cranked a Pantera song called Slaughter so that the bass made the house vibrate. I need to escape from this. But without drugs. Therefore, music is my only option.

While the song was playing, new lyrics came to my head. I quickly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote them down while clenching my fist.

My mistakes drove me to a dark path
My choices pulled me down to the bottom
I know what I have to do to make it better
But the addiction lurks my mind

The thought of Hannah getting back with that bastard Ethan tighten my heart. How the hell did I got myself in this situation? I hate myself for that. But its not over yet. She's not gone yet. I still have a chance to make it better.. If she's willing to work it out with me. I redial her number. No answer. Anxiety filled my body.

"CRAP!" I yelled.

I punched a glass of water that shattered into milions pieces at the contact of the floor. I'd rather walk on broken glass than lose her. Suddenly, a crazy thought came to my head. I grabbed the page who held the lyrics, catched a hold of my jacket and my keys and ran to the car. If the plan work, Hannah will have to accept my apologies, that's for sure.

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