Chapter 4- Jack

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We sat there for what seem like an eternity. The heavy silence was getting heavier by the second. I didn't know what to say! And I think that it was mutual. Then, I did something completly stupid. Instead of talking to her, I wrote her a note and then left. Really? A note? She must think that I'm that awkard and weird kinda guy. Which she's right for a matter of fact. From the very beginning of high school, I tried to make a good impression on everyone, to show them that I'm not that loser that everyone thinks I am. But since my friend Jordan introduced me to smoking and alcohol for me to get out of my problems at home, I'm not that inoncent that I use to be. I began to fail my classes, got a year behind everyone, started to get more into fight outside of school, then next day having some horrible bruises and cuts. Some of my teachers were worried for me at one point but I always got some lame excuses. Like, "Oh this blackeye? Oh ya! I ran into a pole." or even like, "This cut on my forehead? Yeah, I was holding my cat...He dosn't like me much..." After a while, the teachers stoped asking.

When I got home from school, I went straight to my room to avoid my parents. My mom was in the kitchen and my dad was in his study. Each time that I come home, I run to my room and blast the music out loud and sort of fade away with it. Music is my passion. I've always wanted to be a guitar player but my parents told me that it was pointless to have a dream this big and that I could never go this far. I used to have dreams when I was little, of me being on stage and performing in front of a crowd. Knowing that the audience is there to see you, no one BUT you, is something that I've always wanted to experience. My parents was never there for me when I was young. Each time that I had a recital or some show, they would never show up. And at home, it's like I never exist. The only time that they actually speak to me is when I get suspended from school or the police shows up because I've been into a street fight.

Anyway, I was lost into my music when my phone received a text. I checked. It was from Jordan. "Wanna come over? " I was really hoping that it was Hannah that texted me. But since I have nothing to do, might as well get away from this household
"Meet me at the park"I replied.

When I was about to go out the door, my dad came up behind me and said angrily, "Where ya think your headed?" I froze. I know exacly where this conversation is gonna go.

"To meet Jordan at the park."

" I don't think so." Just then, he started getting in my nerve.

"Why not?" I turned around. "You guys don't care what I do anyway!" My tone was harsh.

"Don't you talk to me this way young man!" He said, getting close to my face. I could smell alcool in his breath.

"You're drunk all the time and you & mom don't care about what I do! I could kill myself and you guys wouldn't notice. And I'll talk however I want!" Just when I was about to run out, he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and threw me against the wall, where my head hits the corner, leaving me with a cut in my skull. I knew that it was coming. I was looking for it. Another reason for me to bail out of the house for good.

"Dont talk to me like this ya moron! You're too stupid that if you were to kill yourself, you wouldn't know what to do!! " He was a few inches from my face and he spits on me.

"You ain't worth shit!"

I got up, grab my bag, pushed my dad so that he could get out of my way, and walked out the door.

I wasn't gonna stay there. Not with these people who pretends to be my parents.

When I got to the park, Jordan was waiting for me at our usual meeting place.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"I had a discussion with my dad."

He looked at me, analysing my facial expression.

" He hit you again didn't he?"


"Then do you want a smoke? It might help you feel less pain." He asked.

He took out a joint and give one to me and light it up.

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