Chapter 8 - Jack

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Obviously, after a while, I knew that her dad was going to question why I'm not at school. In fact, school is the last place I want to be right now. But, the nurse sent me home anyway, therefore I didn't had any choice. As soon as I step into the school, I heard people wispering around about Hannah and I couldn't stop myself from over hearing what they were saying.

"Did you hear about Hannah Winterfeild?"

"Yeah. I guess some guy rapped her and left her and Julia to their own death." Said the other.

Honestly, if it was anyone else the rumors were about, I wouldn't do anything about it. But somehow I feel like I owe Hannah a huge favor. So I went up to them and said, "That's not even what happened! Hannah and...Julia? They were only walking throught the woods when they got attacked by a cayote." If the rumor were to spread, at least it isn't as bad as it used to be.

"What? That's not what we've heard. How do you know what happened to them anyways?" Said one of them.

"Actually, I was there. I'm the one who called 911." I replied.

When I finally saw Jordan, I asked him if he knew who have been spreading rumors about Hannah and Julia.

"Malik. He wants to save his butt by telling everyone that they have been rapped and that he saw that happened. Idiot."


"I haven't seen him yet! Hey, why do you care so much anyway?" He asked.

"I have like a repay." I simply said.

Later that day, I saw Julia and her boyfriend at their usual lunch table.

"Hey. When did you get out of the hospital?" I asked.

"Yesturday in the evening I think" She responded, thoughtfull.

"How are you feeling?"

"Well, little headache but nothing major." She looked at me with a puzzled look. "Wait...Hannah already talked about you once...But I can't remember...I do recognize you'r face but I can't put a name." She added.

"Jack." Her boyfriend said. "Jack the stoner. Dosn't ring a bell? Always arrives late, kinda hazy looking all the time..."

"...yup...That's me." I responded, with a bit of attitude. Brendon was really getting on my nerve. But I knew that it wasn't worth fighting him. Especially at school. Then I left them, both concentrating on helping Julia with her memory.

History class wasn't the same without Hannah. Everyone was looking at her chair as if she was dead. When the second bell rang for the students to be seated, I heard some of them wisper about Hannah and Julia. It really got me mad so just as the teacher was about to start the class, I rised from my seat and spoke up. "Stop spreading rumors around about Hannah and her friend. It is NONE of your business to know the reason why she is absent at this moment!"

"Sit down Jack." The teacher calmly said.

"No! I will not!" I said. " If you guys don't know what happened to them, then DONT start some rumors that is not the truth!" I continued.

Everyone was staring at me. Probably because I'm the one who usually sits behind the class and not speak for the entire class time. My cheeks felt as if they were on fire. I quickly grabbed my stuff and stormed out of the door in such hurry that I was almost running. I couldn't stay in class knowing that everyone was not acknowledging my presence. It was not possible.

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