Chapter 27 - Hannah

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I knew by the way his eyes were glowing that he was telling the truth. So that's why that I needed to face Julia. To know why she would say such a thing about him. I searched for her around the tables. It was too dark for anyone to see anything. So Jack and I went to see Allison to ask if she saw her anywhere.

"I think she was talking with two other girls about like five minutes ago toward the bathroom. It's weird to see you guys not being together. Are you in a fight or something?" She said.

"Yeah, she lied to me about Jack. She said he was a drug dealer when that's not the case." I told her, Jack agreeing my every word.

"Oh well that's what she keeps telling everyone. And that you're going out with that "filthy" guy. Trust me, her words, not mine! I think that you're an okay guy Jack." She said with huge eyes, putting her hands vertically over her head.

I turned around toward Jack.

"She is such a bitch. WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT? Especially to her best friend!" I told him, talking about Julia.

As I look at Jack's expression, I figured out that Julia was coming behind me. I stepped beside Jack, both our arms crossed.

"Hannah, we need to talk." She wasn't alone. Dumb and Dummer and Brendon came by her side as soon as she openened her mouth.

I gave her a look.

"Who's we? You and I? Or the four of you and both of us?" I pointed Jack and I.

Her eyes rolled.
Good one Hannah. You that cannot give any attitude, I think you're doing just fine!

Then Allison joined in.

"And me too!" She came across Julia and stood beside me. I felt so powerful against Julia and her gang even though we got out-numbered.

"Whatever." Julia simply responded. She took a step closer to me. I did the same toward her.

"Julia, what happened to you? You've changed so much since the accident."

"What accident? I'm better than I've ever been!" She responded, crossing her arms over her chest, like the rest of us.

"You mean...You don't remember anything?" I asked her.

She glanced at me from head to toe and waved her hand in my face.

"Whatever but you've changed too since you've met this drug boy. What? Did he got you addicted to him? Typical."

Allison jumped in to the conversation.

"Hey! Watch your mouth Julia! You're talking about my friend here. So shut up or be nicer."

I turn to check on Jack who had a blank expression as if he had pull a wall over his face so that nothing can touch him. But I know that at one point, it's going to break.

Brendon got closer to Julia. Jack did the same with me.

"I ain't gonna take any shit from anyone." I said before adding, "Why did you start rumors about Jack that he was a drug dealer?"

"Because he is Hannah!"

"Did you really saw him give weed to anyone?" I knew right then that I was about to catch her in her own lie.

She hesitated.

"Umm...Not really. But...but Brendon saw him!"

"And when would that be Brendon?" I ask him.

"The day after you went to the hospital." He anwser, confident he did the right thing.

"You see Brendon, the thing is," I step toward him. "Julia told me you saw him deal drugs a few minutes after I went in the ambulance. But that's not true. Your story dosn't match." I was in his face now.

"Yeah because Jack was talking to me a few minutes after Hannah was gone to the hospital. We've talked for about fifteen minutes around." Allison added.

I smiled. We were winning this fight.

Both Julia and Brendon looked at each other.

"Oh and Julia, another thing." I said to her.

"Did Brendon has ever mentionned that we used to take coffee's at my dad's coffee shop each morning before the accident?"

"We used to do that?" She looked surprise.

"Yep. All that to say that Brendon dosn't like me. So, he brainwashed you so that he can have you all to himself without me being in the way. He used the accident against you." I look toward Brendon who seemed to have shrank.

I could see from the corner of my eye that Jack's jaw dropped. He was surprise as the others that I've figured it all.

Julia, fustrated, pushed me hard enough for me to lose balance. If it wasn't for Jack, catching me just in time, my head would've received a huge hit on the floor, probably causing me to pass out.

Then Julia said what I thought she was going to say.

"Go back to your stupid boyfriend you whore!"

Then all four of them turned their back to us and walked away while we watched Brendon try to comfort Julia but her not wanted to know anything about him.

Allison helped me get up.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" She looked concerned.

I laughed.

"Yeah! I'm perfectly fine. I said what I needed to tell her so..."

Jack took me in his arms.

"You were very brave. I'm so proud of you!"

"Do you think she got the memo?" Allison asked, breaking the hug between Jack and I.

"I think she does." I look toward Julia's table. The two other girls weren't with her anymore. There was just Brendon and her. You could see her sreaming at Brendon but you couldn't understaind anything since the music was so loud.

"The purpose of coming here has been restored." I said, to both of them. "How about we go home and we order Pizza? Do you wan't to come too Allison?"

She agreed with a huge smile on her face saying that she love the idea.

"Alright then. I'll go tell Melissa that my Dad is picking us up sooner so she dosn't have to worry about me."

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