Chapter 11-Hannah

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I finally was decent enough to go home on sunday afternoon. My dad made sure that I was all set up in my room to have some rest. Over twenty-five pillows was surrounding my bed, making sure that my head was on a soft cloud.

"Dad...I'm fine." I finally said, while he was tucking me to bed. In fact, I didn't feel like sleeping. I've been sleeping for about a week. I need to walk or do something of myself.

"Okay. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

As soon as he got out of my room, I got out of bed and sat on the bench underneath my window sill. Looking out, Rochester was full of life. The leaves had already fallen of all the trees around the neighborhood. The neighbors were raking leaves and putting them in garbage bags while their dogs were playing in their piles. I saw the kids I used to babysit next door carve some pumpkins. I smiled to myself.

Halloween is coming up. I love that holiday, since for one day, you get to pretend to be someone you're not. When I was younger, Mom would make ALL of our costumes. I remember one Halloween, I was a little princess and she completly sow my entire dress. Melissa was a pumkin that year. It was too big for her so when she would fell, she would roll down the stairs.

My phone rang. It was a call from Jack.

"Hello?" I anwsered.

"Hey! Heard you were back home."

"Yeah! I get to go to school tomorrow."

"That's great!" I heard a heavy medal door closing in the background. Or was it opening?

"Where are you anyways?" I asked.


"Jack?..." I forced myself to say. My voice cracked. He was in trouble.

"I only get one call and you're the one I called." He said finally.

"Where are you!? Where are you calling from?!" I was practicly yelling.

"I just wanted to say that..." He got cut off. I heard a mascular deep voice cover Jack's voice and yell at him before the call ended.

I paniced. Where in the world is he?

"Oh god." I wispered.

I ran as quickly as I could downstairs, despite the fact that the doctor forbidded me to do any excersice that involves running. When I got downstairs, I found Melissa in the kitchen.

As soon as she saw my face, her facial expression was alarmed.

"Please tell me that you have your liscence!" I said, not too loud so that dad wouldn't hear me.

"Yes...Why..?" She asked.

"I need you to take me to the Police Station right now."

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