Chapter 19 - Jack

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I wasn't paying much attention to the movie to be honest. Seeing Hannah's face was more entertaining. She was lying on my right side, one hand on my stomach and the other one resting against her leg, my right arm around her waist. I could smell her quisite scent since her hair was all in my face. I wouldn't trade this moment for the world. I want to have more moments like this. Just cuddling late at night, watching TV or a movie...I know it might sound cheesy but I'm that type of guy. I would be ready to give up anything for this girl. It's very strange because I never felt this way for anyone. 

She turned her head toward me, her eyes shut. She fell asleep. I'm in love with her, there is no doubt about that. And now, I know that she's into me too.

Hannah's phone was resting on the coffee table. Wanting to check what time it was, I took it in my hand and unlocked it. No password. Okay, she dosn't have anything to hide apperently. As soon as I arrived on the home menu, I saw that Hannah had a few unread text messages from a person named...Ethan?

I looked up from the phone to see if Hannah was going to wake up anytime soon, then checked back at the phone. Should I? Naaah...That would be invading her privacy. But what if...

I clicked on the Text Messenger Emoji and started to read the conversation between this Ethan and Hannah.

Ethan: Hey! ;)

Hannah: Hi :)

Ethan: Finally! You talked to me! lol

Hannah: Don't get used to it though...

Ethan: ...

Hannah: What do you want Ethan?

Ethan: To see how my baby girl is doing!? ;)

Ethan: Hello? D:

Ethan: Hannah? Babe?

Ethan: Why aren't you anwsering honey!?! :o

I was startled. I verified the time when these texts got received. About five hours ago. I felt betrayed and vulnerable. Could she have a thing for this Ethan guy? No, she wouldn't do that to me...Or would she? My head started spinning. I dropped Hannah's phone back on the coffee table and detangled myself from Hannah's arms, waking her up while doing so. My head got all hazy.

Hannah looked at me, still half asleep.

"...Jack?...Is everthing okay?" She robbed her sleepy blue eyes.

"Ask your friend Ethan!" I walked out of the living room in fury. Meanwhile, I heard a soft ringtone coming from Hannah's phone. Probably that Ethan guy.

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