Chapter 2- Jack

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I didn't even see her! People tell me that I shoved her against the lockers while passing by but I don't remember anything. I only remember when I was walking toward her but even then, it was hazy. I should be careful not to smoke & drink that much next time before going to school. I admit that it was overmuch. But, it felt so good! Having this rush and having no worries in the world, I feel like I can do anything! Forgetting about the past, the present and having absolut no concern about the future. Trying to forget all those embarissing memories of the bygone. Like when I accidently tripped at the cafeteria and got my lunch all over this girl. It keeps hunting me, disturbing me, even chase me in my dreams even though I apologized like a madman. I feel like I owe her something. And now I do this? Pushing her around like I have no respect for anyone? I feel guilty. So, when I got to history class by the end of the day, I sat down to my original seat, wich was behind her, and decided to talk to her, to say i'm sorry.

"Hey um...Listen...I'm sorry for earlier. It was kinda..."

I didn't even finished my sentence when she said hurridly without turning her back, "It's okay. You didn't see me." 

"Ah. Okay. It's just that I feel guilty that..." Again, she didn't let me finish.

"Why should you feel guilty?" She turned to face me. Only now I got a real chance to take a look at her. She had some wonderful wavy light brown hair that fitted perfectly on her head. She had those bright blue-grey eyes, who was looking at me, puzzled. She had freckles sprinkled across her nose and northern cheeks. 

"Well because of the potato salad moment maybe...?" I said.

She laughed. Not this superficial and bitchy kinda laugh that I always get with girls. No. This one was a more, dorky and adorable sweet laugh that tells me that she's not mad.

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