Chapter 31 - Hannah

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Saturday came really fast! Next thing I knew, I was pacting my suitcase and out the door, headed towards Mom's house. Dad never told me where she lived so I had no idea where we were. Then, the car turned into the driveway of a big two floor white house.

"Wow. If only I knew she remarried to a rich guy...I would've come sooner!" I said playfully to dad. He gave me a look.

We got out and took my suicases off the car's trunk.

"Will you be alright?" Dad said after we exchanged a warm hug.

"Yes. Will you?"

"Yeah. Call me anytime you can or feel like it! I would really enjoy to hear about your day."

"I will. Don't worry!"

He got back inside the car while I walked up the stairs to the house where I'm staying for two weeks. I rang the bell.

Footsteps could be heard from the far end of the house before a woman came answering the door.

"Hannah?" She said.

I nodded. We exchanged a hug. "You've grown so much! Wow look at you! You look so gorgeous. Please! Come on in!"

The house looked as modern inside as it was on the outside. A chandelier hanging on top of the staircase was complementing the wooden floor. It looked like a billion dollar house.

While she hung my coat in the closet, she yelled, "Kids! Hannah's here!"

Two young teenage girls came down the stairs to meet us in the entry. One of them was around my age, tall and skinny, dirty blond hair and blue eyes. She looked a lot like her mom. The other one was a little younger, more chubby, she had brown hair and green eyes. I'm guessing that she looked more like her dad.

"Angelique, Makayla meet Hannah. Hannah, meet the girls." Kareen said.

We all spoke at the same time. "Hi."

"Now let's get you all settled up in the guest bedroom."

The room was huge. A walk-in closet, a bathroom inside the room, a whirl pool, an amazing street view and a bed that felt like a cloud. My dream room.

"Do you think you'll be comftable here?" Kareen said with hope in her eyes.

"Are you kidding me? I'll be perfectly fine!" I replied, throwing myself on the bed.

"That's great! We'll be having souper at 6'o'clock. You'll have plenty of time to unpack. If you need me, I'll be downstairs in the kitchen." She closed the door behind herself.

I immediatly took out my phone out of my purse and called Jack. By the third ring, he anwsered.


"Jack? Hi! It's me."

"Hannah! How are you? Are you at your mom's?"

"Yeah! I'm here. You wouldn't believe how huge this house is!"

"I can only imagine!" His voice was deep and slow. As if he was tired.

"Are you alright? What were you doing? Did I bother you?"

"You can never bother me. And yes I'm alright. Why do you ask?"

"You don't sound like yourself?"

There was silence on the other end.

"Jack? Are you still there?"

"Yeah." His voice was so low that is was almost incomprehensible.

"What is going on? Tell me!"

I heard him take a deep breath.

"Can I call you later? I'm...busy."

"Jack! Please just tell me!"

He hesitated before saying "I'm high." And hung up.

I threw my phone on the bed and got my face in my hands. I remembered our conversation about drugs. On how he promised to never do drugs again and how he realised how bad it was for him after I told him that I can't tolerate him being high all the time. My heart sank in my chest. His words perfectly resonates in my head. "Hannah. I promise you to never do drugs again. You are more important to me than anything and I don't want to lose you for something as stupid as drugs." He lied. The whole time he lied. I only wanted to put him on the right track. To help him put his life back on the line. Was he high when we would hang out? I can't seem to know the difference. I just got in the house a few minutes ago and I'm already crying out of drama. I got a text. I checked. Jack. "I'm sorry." He dosn't deserve a reply. I simply got out of the bed and put my clothes away in the closet.

I then got downstairs to find everyone in the kitchen.

"Hi." I said, timidly to the gang.

Kareen turned from the kitchen sink and said, smiling "Oh hi dear!"

Angelique and Makayla didn't turn from their counter stools, too busy playing on their phones. I looked at them and took a seat at the kitchen table instead.

Kareen took a look toward me, then the girls.

"Angelique?" She said to the blond girl.

She didn't even looked up from her electronic. "Yes?"

"Can you please take Hannah to visite the basement? I haven't shown her that part of the house yet."

Angelique looked at her mom as if she would kill her.

"Please...?" Kareen said.

She rolled her eyes and looked at me, as to for me to follow her. She opened a door in the hallway and walked downstairs. I did the same.

A huge 50' inch flat screen tv was against one wall, and on the other was the couchs all lined up to do a big L. The black coffee table in the middle of the room was adding a little dark accent to the light brown and orange living room.

"Wow." Was the only word that I got out of my mouth.

"Yeah...I don't know what's so special about our house." She sat on one side of the couch.

"Well maybe it's because its the most expensif house there is in this sector." I told her.

"Meh...It's not that huge."

Spoiled brat. She has everything. I thought to myself. Relax Hannah. Get to know her first before judging her.

"So...Where's your father? Is he gonna join us for souper?" I asked her.

"Probably not. He always stays up late at work. Sometimes, he only comes home at around 5 am."

Poor her. I have pity for them. They don't see their father. Then again, I haven't seen my mom for 13 years. They shouldn't be complaining.

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