Chapter 26 - Jack

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I arrived at the dance about five hours after it started, just so I wouldn't be the first one to be there. It was full of drunk people dancing and screaming. I drank a little bit at Jordan's place before coming here, just to have a little buzz going. I didn't wanted to be drunk if ever I talk to Hannah. The music was so loud that I've mistaken the thumping of the beat with my heartbeat.

I stayed against the wall facing the whole dance floor, trying to find Hannah in this crowded place. I was wearing a Prisoner costume. But it was the cheap ones that you could find at the dollar store, not the actual ones that are too large for you and smells like stinky toes and sweat. I also had removable handcuffs on who were made out of plastic.

I then thought I saw Hannah by the Candy bar, talking to some guy. I went behind her and patted her on her back but when she turned around, it wasn't her. I took a deep breath. She might not even be here.

Then, just as I turned around, Hannah took me by the hand and lead me to dance on the dancefloor, in the middle of the crowd.

She was so magnificent in her long fitted black mermaid style dress. She had black feathered wings that fitted her perfectly. She twirled on herself, which made the fabric of her dress expand and twirl with her. Her eyes has been darkened by the heavy makeup she had put, which made her even more attractive than before. Her curly hair was bouncing with her and the music, yet, they were staying intact. She was dancing like I've never seen before. She didn't care if I pushed her away the other day. She was only here to have a good time. I only had eyes for her. She looked so happy. It's been awhile since i've seen Hannah this happy, with everything that happened. Tonight, she have seemed to have forgotten it all.

All of a sudden, I realized something. I froze. The music was just a background noice. Everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion. I havd this sensation of déja-vue. My dream! This is EXACLY like the dream I had back at Hannah's place. Oh god. Now, I have to remember what happens next... Think Jack! Think!

Suddenly, everything came back together like puzzle pieces. I have to get Hannah out of here before Julia sees her. I grab Hannah's hand and drag her out of this sufocating dancing zone.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" She liberated her hand from mine.

"Hannah, this is exacly like my dream! Do you remember? You're going to have this fight with Julia."

She fell quiet. Then, she saw something beyond me, smiled and walked forward to meet a handsome tall goodlooking guy.

"Jack, I wan't you to meet Ethan. My Ex."

My eyes could've shot lightning. I gave Ethan a dirty look, making him know that I don't appreciate his presence.

"Oh so this is the Jack you've been talking about? Nice to meet you!" He took his hand forward for a handshake that never happened. He then turned to Hannah who was anxiously standing on my left.

"I think the next song is going to be a slow dance. Would you do me the honor to dance with me?"

At that very moment, I blew up.

"She dosn't want to dance with you...because...because she's already dancing with me!" I said, abruptly.

Nice save! I though to myself. They both looked at me, startled. Especially Hannah, who had no idea of what I was talking about. She took me aside.

"What exacly are you doing?" She looked mad.

"Umm...You already told me that he was dangerous. I'm trying to save you from him."

"Well I can make my own descision! Understood?"

I stared at the ground. "Yes. Understood."

She went back to where Ethan was standing. I barely heard what she said to him but she came back to talk to me.

"I save your sorry ass by saying that I did agree to dance with you." Hannah said, crossing her arms on her chest.

I thanked her. I saw Ethan walk up to a pretty blond girl and talk to her, putting his hand around her shoulders.

"I find that Ethan has moved on pretty quick from you."

"What?" She turned to see him with the girl. "Ah yeah! Her. Her name is Allison. She's in my gym class. I kind of talked her into entertaining Ethan while I was enjoying myself. But I think she might enjoy that herself."

I look back toward them, where Allison was twirling her hair around her finger, putting her weight mostly on her right leg.

"She likes him." I simply said.

"Meh. She would always talk about him and how handsome he is, in gym class that I finally cracked and told her I could hook her up with him and I gave her some pointers on how to flirt. I think she's doing a pretty good job."

We both giggled.

She looked at me but her smile had vanished. She then took a deep breath.

"I know you're a drug dealer Jack."

My smile also vanished too. I couldn't get to know what she was talking about.

"What?" I was so confused.

"Jack, Julia told me that she saw you and Jordan make a drug deal from her very own eyes." She walked on site.

"When did she ever saw me do such a thing?"

"Right after I went in the ambulance to go to the hospital."

"Hannah, I'm going to be very honest with you. I did not got involve with any drugs whatsoever in the past three weeks that I've got to know you. I swear Hannah! I'm telling the truth. Hand on the bible."

She came closer to me, staring deep into my eyes, almost as if she was looking into my soul. I looked at her back with the most sereousness i've ever had in my entire life. I wanted to let her know that I was not kidding. Then, she approached even closer. I could feel her soft breath on my shirt. I felt like I was locked into her cage of beauty, being a prisoner of her gaze. I couldn't look away. Neither could she. I had absolutly no idea what she was doing, but whatever it was, it was working. She took a step, invading my space, being about a few inches away from my face. I did not move a single hair. Her hand found my forearm, and moved upward to my tricep without leaving her eyes off of mine. I closed my eyes. Just her being this close to me was satisfying. I suddenly felt a pair of tender sweet puckered lips reached mine, giving them a passionnate kiss. And I did what I wanted to do a long time ago. I kissed her back. We stayed like that, kissing, for what seemed like a lifetime. But that's alright because I never wan't to leave her lips ever again. Then we broke off. Not completly, we were still holding each other in our arms. But we both exchanged a grin. We are both on the same page.

"I have to find Julia to give her a piece of my mind." She said, walking with determination toward the dance floor. I followed her step like a dog on a leash.
This is about to get really interesting...I thought to myself.

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