Chapter 9-Hannah

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Jack stayed at the hospital for a day after I woke up. It's incredible how, in one day, you can go from strangers to friends. We talked about school, life in general...And it seemed so easy to talk to him after a while. When Jack returned to school, I felt lonely. I know that my dad was there but I needed companie from someone my age.

"That Jack guy...He's nice." My dad affirm. I giggled.

"Yes he is." I responded.

"Can you believe that he didn't wanted to leave your side?"

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah! Even though I told him to go home like five times, he wouldn't leave." Dad said.

That kinda proves Jack's determination. Interesting...

"Do you still have a migrain?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm the same as I was when you asked me 2 minutes ago." I replied.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated on the table clock.
-Hey :) It was Julia.

-Hii :3

-How you feeling? She continued

-Not bad, Head hurts a lot. You?

-Same -.-

I didn't know how to respond so I asked,
- How's school?

She didn't anwser right away. Maybe that she's headed to class by now. A few minutes later, I was half asleep when I heard  someone thumping inside my room.

"Sorry I'm late...*Sigh* I had to run up the stairs...*Takes a deep breath* You know how I am with elevators..." Julia was out of breath and unbalanced.

"Oh my gosh! Julia! I'm so glad to see you!" I said, jumping into her arms. Then I saw Brendon coming throught the door.

"What is HE doing here?"

"I needed a drive. And besides, I know you don't like him much but he wanted to see you."

I took a good look at him. His brow hair where just long enough so that it fell perfectly on his head but obviously with the help of hair product...LOTS of them.

"Puff! See me? Honey, I think the guy was forced to be here so he dosn't want to see me whatsoever." I told her with a bit of sassyness. She ignored my last comment and sits on the right side of my bed.

"Everyone is wondering where you are and if you're alright." She began. "There's even rumors of us..."

"What?? Already?!"

"Yes...BUT, your's his name again?"

"Jack." Brendon anwsered for her.

"Thanks! Yeah Jack! He goes to everyone and tells them the truth. Well part of it..."

"What was the original rumor?" I asked.

"...well that you and me have been raped...but Jack made it better! He tells everyone that we were attacked by cayotes."

"Totally believable." I said softly.

"Apperently, he stormed out of your history class after some people were talking shit about you and he tried to defend you. We don't know where he is now..."

I didn't said anything. After a long monent of silence, I asked Julia, "Why would he defend me this much? He barely knows me."

"He likes you Hannah."

I froze. Could that be true? Jack liking me? No. It was only a fluke that all these events happened at once. Unless...he liked me before and I'm the one who just didn't notice him. This big revelation hit me like a brick wall and my head started to hurt like hell. As I was sitted on my bed, I slowly lyied down.

"Are you alright?" Julia asked, consern.

" I just need to rest." I said, slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.

Jack likes me...That's the last thing that was on my mind before I completly passed out.

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