Chapter 7- Jack

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We were walking throught the woods, not far from the park, to meet up some friends when I saw her. Hannah, exacly when I didn't wanted to see her. Jordan suggested to tell her & her friend to move but I didn't want to. Then, our friends came along with their guns and Malik with his baseball bat. What were they thinking? I really didn't wanted to interfere and so that Hannah notice how stoned I was but in an other hand, I knew exacly what came next. Just as Hannah got knocked out unconscious, I ran to save her friend but it was too late.

"What were you thinking Malik?!" I cried out. "You could have kill them!!" I didn't even hear what he replied. I was too busy sitting by Hannah's side, holding her head and thinking that this was my fault because I knew. I knew exactly what was going to happen and I didn't stop it. And now she has to pay the price with a concussion.

I called 911, like I was supposed to. The paramedics came about fifteen minutes later with two stretchers. They lifted Hannah and her friend in the ambulance and I asked them if I could come.

"Are you friends or family, sir?" Asked the paramedic.

"Neither. I'm one of the girl's boyfriend." I lied. I had to if I wanted to come to the hospital with her. They finally let me in. When we arrived at the hospital, Hannah's father and sister were already there.

"Wait. Who are you?" Hannah's sister asked, clearly wondering why I was by her side.

"I'm Jack. Nice to meet you. I'm Hannah's friend"

Her dad was not impressed with me. He inquired to know why was I with his daughter and why is she now in the hospital. I answered with the best explanation that I could come up with. So, technically another lie. I said to him that Hannah and her friend were to meet us in the park but took the woods instead of the streets and they got lost and we found them like that. Sound believable? Then he told me to go home because my parents might get worried about me. I refused flatly to leave. But they still wouldn't let me see her, so I waited in the waiting room. My parents couldn't care less if I'm away for a day or two or whatever what time it takes for Hannah to recover. Therefore, I stayed there for literally two days, in the waiting room for her to wake up. Her dad was exausted so I proposed him to go home and get some rest. Surprisingly enough he aggreed on letting me in charge so that he can take care of things at home.

I slowly slipped into Hannah's room without making any sound and sat down beside her bedside. She's so beautiful when she's asleep. She looked like an angel resting peacefully on her cloud pillow. I was too hypnotized on her to notice the nurse coming into the room to check on Hannah.

"Such a pretty girl isn't she?" She declared, making me jump.

"Oh. Yes! She seem so tranquil."

It was almost time for lunch and I was kind of getting hungry. I left the room and got to the cafeteriat to get myself a sandwich. When I came back, she was awake.

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