Listen To Your Heart

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Zhan greeted the maid and entered the Wang's house, walking towards  Qiren's cabinet. Scared to not interrupt in father-son conversation he hesitantly knocked on the door

"Come in" was answer from inside

"Uncle are you alone? i missed you so much" Zhan sweetly smiled and gladly accepted the warm arms, waiting to hold him. Qiren petted Zhan's back and messed his hair.  Zhan pouted and moved back

"I'm almost 27 years old man and you still treat me like baby, this is embarrassing"

"As you don't like it"

"I love it" Zhan sat down, caressing his hand "feels like i have second dad, thanks for that uncle Qiren. I worry cause of you and wanna scold, still working  too hard it's bad for your health. During whose years you stressed enough being far from Yibo, now relax ok? He is smart boy and can manage company well. until my contract is over i'll do my best to help him too"

"What about you?"

"Me? I'm ok"

"i don't think so, you look very exhausted Zhan and plus since he came back, you didn't come to see me"

"He already having hard time to work with me and i don't wanna bother Yibo more. Sorry uncle i'll try to meet you often like before"

"You're like my son too, if not you Zhan i couldn't handle living without Yibo. You know how grateful i feel. But about your relationship..."

"I don't think it can work anymore, Yibo already has boyfriend and he seems like nice man"

"You mean Yi Tian, yes he is but..."

"Dad please" Yibo who just came in cut Qiren and turned to Zhan "why are you here?"

"At first i wanted to know how do you feel today, better?" Zhan worryingly looked down at Yibo's bandaged ankle "does it still hurts?"

"It's nothing, i had been more hurt before" Yibo coldly looked at him and walked towards the door "let's talk outside, at the garden"

"As you want" Zhan smiled at Qiren and followed Yibo.


Sitting down on the bench Yibo petted the rabbits and fairy who're playfully jumping around his legs and sadly smiled remembering the past. it seemed like everything was same as before but the most importantly, the precious bunny with longest legs didn't belong to him anymore. fairy left Yibo and ran to Zhan, almost jumping on him, the latter one slid fingers in her soft fur, earning joyful bark from her.

 fairy left Yibo and ran to Zhan, almost jumping on him, the latter one slid fingers in her soft fur, earning joyful bark from her

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"she loves you more now, at least it's good you aren't scared of dogs" said Yibo lowering his head

"how is that possible? she was missing you too much"

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