Evil Babies

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Zhan ran into Cheng's room and hopped on his bed jumping with full strength. Being scared to death poor boy quickly sat up and looked around unable to understand what the hell was happening 

"did new world war start?" murmured him and finally noticing jumping bunny next to him Cheng moved his hand and loud slap sound filled the room. Being upset Zhan pouted and rubbed his painful butt

"You, how could you do that?"

"Damn you Zhan, it's my day off and you almost killed me. I can still hear my heart beating sound"

"sorry but you have to get up"


"jiejie just called, she is a little sick and nanny couldn't come too. So we have to take care of Jin Ling today"

"aren't you going to the date today?"

"what date?"

"with your naughty kid, I'm sure you two are doing nothing other but being lovey-dovey. I feel sorry for my boss, things like that is happening in his house and he is totally clueless" 

"i'm sure your boss thinks that he did great job for us by bringing me at his house but ask my little brother" sighed Zhan

"who? it's me Zhan your only and older brother"

"i mean this one" pointed Zhan between his legs "it's suffering too much, just can't stay still when i'm with Yibo"

Cheng chuckled lowering his head, he was trying so hard to hold laughter. tightening lips he looked up again and kept listening with serious face 

"uncle Feng is truly supporting us but it isn't like i can do it in the car, every time we're alone in the bedroom, maid leaves door open, think she can sense something. and if we're in the living room it's uncle Qiren always coming in at wrong time. gosh too many third wheels, i'm going crazy"

"oh Zhan, i feel really too sorry for you, such a tragic situation. but think i have good idea"

"what?" Zhan moved closer, curiously staring at him

"isn't the main problem your little brother? you just need to get rid of it, without having it at all, everything is solved. believe in your wise brother"

it took few minutes for Zhan to understand this advice, Cheng quietly kept watching how his face started reddening from ears with anger, clenching his teeth Zhan hopped to catch his brother who was already running to the bathroom, before coming in Cheng stuck his tongue out and hardly avoided slipper thrown to him "stupid ZhanZhan"

Zhan pouted and buried face in the pillow "what i was expecting at all? this so called brother"


Yanli widely smiled welcoming brothers in the home. Noticing red marks on their hands she scolded "did you two fight again? what was the reason this time?" 

"he pinched me first" murmured Cheng

"you deserved it, this brat made fun on my life-and-death problem"

"honey, it feels like we have three babies" laughed Zi Xuan who just went out from the bedroom and picked his suitcase "i'm leaving to the work place guys, thank you so much for coming. i'm sure you'll take good care of them and please don't kill each-other ok?" after softly kissing Yanli he petted brother's shoulders and left.  

Zhan ran first and sat next to Jin Ling who was burbling too cutely. Watching at him closely Zhan giggled and called Cheng, sitting next to them he looked curiously at Zhan

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