Hard To Let Go

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Yibo rushed into hospital with Zhan and stopped first doctor he saw, asking with shaking voice "dad, how is him?"

"name of the patient?"

"Qiren, Wang Qiren"

"let me see... he had too high pulse pressure, that caused stroke. patient was in quite dangerous condition but we managed to save him. usually this happens in stressful situations so your dad needs to take care of himself more. if he experiences it again, we can't guarantee anything. please fill up some documents as family member and then you can see him"

"thank you so much doctor" Yibo bowed politely and sighed from relief, reaching the ward Cheng welcomed them patting Yibo's shoulder "i preferred to call Zhan, knew he was with you and could calm you down"

"how it happened Cheng ge?"

"we found boss unconscious in the cabinet, fortunately it wasn't too late and everything is ok now" 

"i'll come in"

"mn" Zhan pecked on his lips "i'll wait for you" after Yibo left Zhan turned to his brother "you can go home now brother, you look tired take some rest"

"i can tell same, you look too exhausted"

"right, it was very hard day and somehow i feel next ones gonna be worse" Zhan sadly smiled and sat down "let's talk later ok?"

"ok" Cheng messed his hair "fighting brother, see ya"


Yibo sat next to bed and held Qiren's held caressing it. the latter one opened eyes and faintly smiled at him. Yibo broke into sobs, leaning head on his chest "i'm so sorry dad"

"for what you silly boy?"

"for being bad son"

"don't even dare to say that again, you're the most adorable and lovely child in the world. i'm too lucky having you. please forget what i said to you yesterday, i was..."

"i know..." Yibo petted his hair, wiping arrogant tears "too much grey hair, dad is growing old. So now you can't worry about anything, all that matters is your health, don't scare me again like this ok?"

"You shouldn't meet her"

"You know already"

"Look at yourself Yibo, red swollen eyes from crying, this painful expression. It hurts me the most seeing you like that. It was better if you knew nothing, if her image in your mind stay the same. I'm sorry that couldn't protect you from cruel world"

"Didn't you tell me that bitter truth is always better than sweet lie? even it hurts we have to face reality"

"Maybe i was wrong" Qiren sadly smiled and pulled Yibo down, kissing his forehead "i thought much and decided something serious, although it gonna be very hard for both of us but..."

"What is it dad?"

"Your mother won't stop, it isn't like i can't give her the money but, she will try to take you from me i know, it hurts to say that but you're best guarantee for her to always threaten me. And there was some things in my past she can use well to destroy me, so..." Qiren sighed "it's better for you to leave Yibo"

Yibo gasped "What do you mean by leaving?"

"I talked to my old friend in California, he is lecturer there, in one of the most famous college. It's very good chance for you son, being far from all this problems. Changing place and living alone gonna help your self-dependence too. I know you aren't interested in my business and i'll let you do your favorite work but having knowledge is always necessary. we never know what life is planning for us. i don't want to separate from you, it makes my heart cry but this is something i must do"

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