Crazy Cutie

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Zhan woke up on a great mood, cause it was weekends and he didn't have to go to school. He stretched out and tried to fix hair thrown on his forehead. Widely smiling Zhan hugged pillow and took his mobile

"Such a nice morning, weather is perfect and the fact imn't going to meet that brat today makes it ever more amazing, but i'm already used fighting everyday with him it's kinda funny maybe?"  receiving sudden message, proud expression appeared on ...

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"Such a nice morning, weather is perfect and the fact imn't going to meet that brat today makes it ever more amazing, but i'm already used fighting everyday with him it's kinda funny maybe?"  receiving sudden message, proud expression appeared on his face "guess it's one of my admirer girls, maybe asking for date, good morning teacher? Who from my class..." Opening the picture Zhan screamed from shock "shit" and jumping too high on the bed he lost balance and fell down "my poor butt" cried him out and got another shock seeing Cheng who crushed in the room with full speed, spread  toothpaste all over his face"

"What the hell you look like ghost" shouted Zhan

"It's all your fault, hearing your scream i almost rip my throat with toothbrush, did you see nightmare?"

"I'm, i'm going to start having it from today" by saying that Zhan showed the picture to Cheng who rolled on the bed, dying from laughing "you're so fucked bro, i really like this kid"

"Like you comforted me no?" Pouted Zhan "this is real chase, i was just talking about happy day and look i'm laying on the floor with aching butt,  Cheng did i kill someone in my previous life? Maybe that is the reason i'm suffering this much"

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"Like you comforted me no?" Pouted Zhan "this is real chase, i was just talking about happy day and look i'm laying on the floor with aching butt,  Cheng did i kill someone in my previous life? Maybe that is the reason i'm suffering this much"

"don't be too dramatic, maybe It's me who you're killing with your silliness, just get up and shower, let's eat something" Cheng messed  his brother's hair and left the room.  Zhan followed him with just very short night pants, Cheng coming back from kitchen  shook his head and placed plates and omelet on the table

"Why are you walking naked?"

"Cause my beautiful body needs freedom, so it can works better, you know"

"When take out your brain too, ohh i forgot you don't have any"

"I love you too brother" Zhan stuck his tongue out and big spoon peacefully landed on Cheng's head, afraid the meal cooked by him was going to be destroyed if he keep fighting,  Cheng just stayed quiet and started eating

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