Growing Up

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hearing about his dad's return Yibo instantly ran down to the stairs and rushed into his cabinet. Qiren was standing at the table, reading some documents with worrying face. Yibo quickly walked and hugged him, getting no reaction as he stayed totally still not hugging back, Yibo frowned and left him.

"Dad is something wrong? Did someone upset you?"

"Don't you have something to tell me?" Qiren eyed Yibo with stern stare, the latter one blushed and moved back thinking it was all about his relationship with Zhan

"What do you mean?"

"you have changed, not only your behavior in some aspects, but see your grades too, it was always very good but today director called me saying it keeps lowering and lowering. You can't pay attention on anything, looking out from window and thinking about who knows what? The only subject you're good at is art, why? Cause it's your friend teaching? Or is Zhan the only one taking your attention? Maybe I was wrong bringing him here"

"no it isn't his fault. Dad it's just..."

"I didn't work this much and hard for nothing Yibo. it was to create safe and decent future for you, i want your life to be better when mine. Scratching some silly drawings won't help you to stand strongly in your life. Yes enjoy by it but one day in the near future you have to take over my business and take care of my company"

"But, imn't interested in..."

"You aren't?" sudden anger covered Qiren's face and he roughly held his arm, first time in his life dad did something that caused Yibo hurt. He lowered head trying to stop trembling chin "you have to, can't you stop being this weak and fragile? Just be man already damn it. This is my fault making you live in pink world after we came here, but life isn't this easy son, you have to grow up and face difficulties, you have to be strong" letting go of Yibo, he turned back and raised his hand up, signing to leave. Unable to hold his tears anymore Yibo ran to his room and threw himself on the bed. Burring face in the pillow he started sobbing pitifully. Feeling like he lost the main supporter of his life, dad was always nice and caring but today he couldn't recognize him anymore. There was no way reason was only his grades. Hearing phone sound he instantly picked it up and smiled seeing it was Zhan calling

"Why aren't you sleeping? Listening music? Watching movies? Thinking about me?" he started asking nonstop, not even letting Yibo to answer

"None of it"

"What?" Yibo noticed disappointment in Zhan's voice, imagining his pouting lips he felt guilty and tried to correct mistake "i'm always thinking about you Zhan ge, but now just..."

"You sound weird Yibo, on bad mood no?"

"I'm ok"

"no, i can feel it, turn on the video call, right now" Yibo had no other choice but obey. Zhan was startled seeing his tearful eyes and red nose. His expressions instantly changed to the sad one too "is someone bullying you again? teacher? classmate? tell me who hurt you"

"I had fight with dad, he hates me" pouted Yibo, blowing his nose. Zhan couldn't stop himself but chuckled at him, actually Yibo's answer was relief for him.

"You're such a drama queen, how is that possible? Uncle Qiren is perfect dad"

"It was first time he yelled at me"

"Elders have difficult life my love, he has to take care on you too. bet this is quite stressing for him. sometimes it's hard to understand them but we have to, like they do towards us. I don't know what exactly happened but i'm sure he has the serious reason, it's just it was you he threw anger on. and the most importantly" Zhan sadly smiled "you're so lucky having dad, who loves you this dearly. trust me we always value something or someone after losing it, i didn't realized it before experiencing it myself"

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