Protect you

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Yibo rushed into police administration with Zhan and searched for the officer who called him. the later one greeted them and signed to sit down. Yibo deeply breathed in and introduced himself

"Wang Yibo, CEO of the "Wang Corporation". can you tell me in details what happened?"

"almost all guest from your event were taken to the hospital cause of quite strong food poisoning, i contacted you as soon as information came in"

"what? it's impossible, we always..." Yibo started shaking and Zhan tightly hold his hand "calm down dear, let's listen to him"

"fortunately we don't have fatal case but need to start serious investigation. this goes as criminal negligence if we prove you knew beforehand ingredients was damaged but still used it. this kind of crimes happens very often if company wants to make economy and it's punished quite severely too" 

"there is no way, you can search information about our company, we have clear reputation, thing like this did never happen. i can hand every necessary documents to you about used products and producing companies. we carefully choose service staff too"

"thanks for your cooperation. don't worry we'll check all details and contact you again, already took CCTV records too"

"thank you too" Yibo politely bowed to him  "we'll leave to the hospital now, about medical expenses, our company will take care of it"

"sure, we'll meet again Mr Wang"


leaving the building Yibo suddenly stumbled and Zhan was fast to catch him in his arms, he was shaking like leaf and Zhan pulled him closer, tightly hugging his waist "here my baby, it's ok, i'm here" Yibo buried face into his chest and tried to calm down. he still couldn't believe this wasn't just nightmare. Zhan carried him to the car and took key from his pocket  "i'll drive today, you can't in this condition"

"mn" Yibo nodded and leaned his head on Zhan's shoulder, tightly holding his hand "this happened too suddenly, i'm very scared gege, what to do? it wasn't my fault, i really checked everything"

"i know, it gonna be ok my love, we'll go through this" Zhan petted his hair and started driving, he felt more nervous sensing it was maybe related to him again, why? when he didn't do anything wrong, especially why it had to harm his Yibo?

"even i prove myself innocent still this incident gonna destroy our reputation, everything dad worked so hard for"

"trust me, we'll find the person who did this"

"you think..."

"mn, if this is my..."

"this time you won't leave me again no?" Yibo tightened his grip "you can't Zhan"

"sure i won't, didn't i already promised?" Zhan stopped the car and cupped his face "not anymore, we'll fight together with cool mind ok? we can do it"

"mn gege"


After they reached the hospital Yibo got detailed information about patients and paid all fees. Yi Tian and Cheng were still waiting for them, Zhan asked his brother to talk while Yibo stayed with his friend

"Cheng i need your help, more your detective friend's. find out what that asshole is doing now, where he works, any important detail"

"What are you going to do Zhan?"

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