Chapter 33

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Ryung never liked kindergarden. At first, it was because he was forcefully taken from his parents. His dad left him there one morning and he didn't even see him until the afternoon nap! He cried all day and then night aswell. But when he thought the misery was over, the next day the same torture came! He was just walking, hand in hand with his mom and dad, when they arrived at the place. Then, they gave him his little bag and left him for the whole day. It was outrageous! And the worst part of it? He couldn't get out of it by crying. When he was at home his loud wails and stomping feet always gave him a free pass. But not in this prison like place. The teacher's didn't even bat an eyelid. He couldn't believe it.

The only thing that made him feel better about it was that he had his friends there. Yoonseok and Hana were in the same classroom as him. They were just as depressed as he was. But they had each other at least, so they played, talked and went to the toilet together.

Their other friends were in different classrooms, so he could only meet them at the playground, when they had time to go outside. That was the best, because Bora always packed snacks for her daughters, and they happily shared it with their friend group, secretly behind the big tree at the far end of the garden.

Despite that, he was a bit upset with them. When they went to this kindergarden place, they told him that it was amazing and they could play all day and joke around. Nobody told him that his parents would be replaced by a bunch of smelly women. Naturally, he felt betrayed.

After awhile he got used to it. He did get to play all day after all; when he felt energetic he would run around with Yoonseok. They would play exciting board games and build forts in hidden places, and his hyung even convinced him to participate in games with other kids. He was very shy, but Yoonseok helped him.

Once he got bored of this, he would approach Hana, who was most likely playing with dolls in a small corner, a bunch of girls doing the same right next to her. He would sit down next to her and pick up a doll, and start acting out a story together. It was fun too, dressing up and brushing the doll's hair.

But this didn't last forever. The older kids went to school. It was officially the worst thing that ever happened to him! There were no more food sharing, tag you're it or a huge party of hide and seek. Only Seung and Byeol were still there, but according to his dad they were soon leaving aswell. So then he was back to hating kindergarden again.

Especially since his little brother was always waiting for him at home.

He remembers when Hwan was born. His mom was fat for a very long time and when she was skinny again they brought his little brother home. He was very excited, he never had a sibling before! The little boy was very fragile and he cried a lot, but Ryung never really minded. He was sad because his brother was sad, but he never told him what the problem was! How could he help him then?!

But as he was getting bigger he started to get smarter, and Ryung was starting to like him a lot more. Now the little one could talk, so he always told him everything. Everyday after kindergarden they would talk for hours about what happened to them during the day. Mostly Ryung though, since it was still a bit hard to talk for Hwan, and there weren't many interesting things happening to him, since he wasn't in kindergarden yet. He only sat and stared at his hyung with big eyes, listening to all the fun stories he told him.

Besides Hwan, he also had Yoonseok to brighten his day. The boy always came up with the funniest jokes and most exciting games. With him, everything was an adventure. They never knew the rules to any of the board games they played, but they didn't need it either; his hyung would always make some up by himself and they would play as they desired.

So of course, he was a bit sad that his friend missed out a whole week of fun! He got sick and had to stay home and get better. It made Ryung worried both for him and himself. Sure, he liked some of the activities Hana enjoyed, but she wasn't like Yoonseok at all. Nobody was like him.

Finally thursday rolled around, which meant that he would be coming back. As healthy as ever, ready to play.

But of course Ryung wasn't going to let him off the hook like that. Getting sick and making him worry, then leaving him on his own. How dare he! He better make up for it.

"Hey Ryung! Guess who's back!!" The older back hugged his little friend.

"A betrayer!" He angrily huffed out.

"Oh come on, I didn't do it on purpose! I would've never left you for anything, if my parents wouldn't have forced me!" He defended. "But I know exactly how I'll make up for it!" He smiled big at the younger.

That piked his interest. "How so?"

"Let's go build a fort and I'll show you!" he picked up the smaller from the ground.

They both knew exactly what they needed for their little cave, they have built it a thousand times before. Yoonseok ran for the blankets, whily Ryung grabbed some pillows and picked out some stuffies of his choice. Then they both headed to the end of the room, and started building up their little shelter in the corner, where nobody would notice.

Once it was all done and they were sitting next to each other, out of breathe, the younger looked up at Yoonseok expectantly. "So what now?" he curiously asked.

"We kiss!" The other announced enthusiastically.

"We kiss....?" Ryung was incredibly confused. "But isn't that something parents do?"

"Apparently not!" Yoonseok explained happily. "While I was home, I watched the kdramas my mom watches and I learned that people who really love each other kiss!" His smile was shining. "And since we love each other, we should kiss."

"Okay." It made perfect sense of course. His hyung was very smart.

They both got on their knees, facing each other. Being the older one, Yoonseok leaned in first, pursing his lips into a small pout. Ryung closed his eyes tightly, while waiting shyly for his hyung to kiss him.

Their lips meet each other in a small peck, both pulling away quickly and embarrassed. Neither was sure why, but they were extremly flustered. They have yet to experience something so intimate and adult like, and they weren't sure how to handle the foreign feelings.

"That was nice..." Yoonseok was the first to speak up.


"Want to do it again?"

"I don't think so!" A strict female voice cut through their fort, which was suddenly ripped open, revealing an angry teacher standing above them. "We're telling your parents and you're not aloud around together for today!" she growled out.

The two sadly walked out of the remains of their shelter, staring at each other longingly.

Part two coming tomorrow;) NOT PROOFREAD sorry but im very tired:((

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