Chapter 51

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The room went silent. Everybody was frozen. Tension was thick between the three boys. Kwang was glancing between the boyfriends, as the two of them kept turning their gaze back and forth from Kwang to their partner.

"Uhm, I don't think I'm allowed to do that.." he was the first to speak, trying to keep peace between everyone. He felt like was walking on melting ice.

"It's okay." Ryung cut in. His boyfriend whipped his head around. "I mean...right?"

Yoonseok cleared his throat. "Yeah, yeah, like you-you have to complete the dare and stuff, so y-yeah..." he trailed off, cheeks blushing.

"Okay." Everyone was watching with anticipation as he walked over to Ryung and sat down in front of him. As soon as he nodded, Kwang leaned forward and gave a quick kiss. All three boys were red from neck to forehead.
Changnim started laughing. Slowly everyone joined her, and laughter filled the air.

"Okay, spin the bottle Kwang!" Chae tossed it over.

It landed on Hui. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." She adjusted the tiara on her head.

"If you had to date any of the guys- and you can't pick Hwan either- in here, who would you pick?"

"What, why am I excluded?" Hwan asked offended.

"Because you're her best friend, she'd obviously pick you!"

"This way it's much unconfortable for her." Chae chuckled.

Hui glared at her sister. "No it's not!" She denied, but her face got red as she looked around the room. Every boy was looking at her, waiting for her answer.

"I'd date..." She averted her gaze to the floor. She sighed. "I'm never going to hear the end of this, but out of all of you, I'd pick Jiwoo."


"No way!"

"Haha, I always knew you had a little crush on me Hui." He grinned.

"No I don't! I wanted to date Hwan!" She growled. Quickly she spun the bottle so they would move on from her. "Yes!" She excitedly clapped as the bottle landed on V. "You're picking dare, right?"

Smiling at Aeri she nodded in agreement.

"I dare to you go up to your dad, face to face, and tell him you love him."

"What?" She looked taken aback.

"Everybody put on a coat, it's cold outside!" Suk shouted, who was already at the door along with Jiwoo and Chae.

"It's alright, this is going to be good." Hwan whispered as he helped her up.

"Go on knock on your door!" Chae snickered at Kwang's remark. They were all standing behind her, letting her have the front stage since she had to complete a dare.

With a sigh she knocked. It was kind of weird, but the others seemed to think it was funny.

Soon enough a confused Jungkook opened the door. He was very surprised to see his daughter standing there, with all of the other kids staring at them.

"Uh, hey guys." He greeted them, then looked down at her daughter. "Is everything okay?" He was a little bit concerned. It was V's first time hanging out with her friends in a long time, and this situation seemed strange.

"Yeah dad, I just wanted to tell you something."

"Oh okay, what's up?"

"Jungkook! Is everything okay?" He froze.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"Is dad here?" Hwan turned to Jungkook.

Yoongi suddenly appeared at the door. He certainly didn't except to see what he was seeing, and his eyes met his sons's.

"I thought you had work to do tonight?" Ryung stepped up.

"I did." Yoongi started to explain. "But I managed to get it done very fast, so I came over to Jungkook's for a little bit."

"Uh huh." Ryung didn't look convinced. "Hwan come on were going home." He grabbed his brother's hand and dragged him away.

"Wait!" He ran after them.

As the min family disappeared, V turned to her dad. "Dad? What was that?"

"I-I don't know." He didn't give anymore explanation. His daughter studied his face for a second.

"I love you. I'm going to sleep at Hui's. I don't know when I'll be home." Her and Hui took off, and the rest of the group slowly followed.

"Well this escalated quickly." Suk sighed.

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