Chapter 47

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"Soooo, what are you going to be for Halloween?" Yoonseok teased V. He caught her at the Min's house. She was doing something secret with Hwan, as always.

"Uhm, I don't know...traffic light?" She muttered while urgently pushing her feet into her shoes.

"A traffic light?" He turned to Hwan, who was suddenly red from the boy's attention. He has been like that, ever since his brother became his boyfriend. He seemed to get very nervous when interacting with the older boy, and that made him a bit sad. Hwan was the cute, little brother of the friend group, and he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. It felt bad, that for over ten years everything is good between them, and now that he's dating his brother the boy is being weird.

"I-I don't think she was paying attention to y-your question..." he didn't meet his eyes.

Yoonseok turned back to V. "You're going home, right? Your dad was very serious."

"How do you even know Jungkook wants her to go home?" Ryung came downstairs to greet his boyfriend.

"I got the biology notes from Hana, and he made me promise to tell her."

"Yeah, okay." She was out the door in a second.

"You're coming later, right?"

"Hwan, she already left."Ryung tried to be nice.

"Yeah, I know..."

"Can you get your hand out of my kitchen drawers?" Jimin slapped Jiwoo's hand away.

"But I'm hungry!"

"Then eat something?! Instead of eating the snacks that are meant for later?!"

"Why wait for later, when you can just eat it now?" He, again, tried to get close to a bowl of chips.

"Because it's for the party the three of you begged me to let you have? Idiot.." he muttered.

"Dad!" Chae came running out of her room, ready to show her costume to the boys. "How do I look?"

Suk looked up from his phone. "You dressed up as little red riding hood?"

"No, you dumbass, she's Scarlet Witch!" Jiwoo was very annoyed by his friend.

"Right..." clearly, he had no idea who that was.

"From Marvel?" Suk's confused face didn't change. "Wanda?" Nothing. "You're the worst."

"And you just pocketed a bag of gummies!" Jimin scowled. "Come on, kid." He snatched back the candy. "Go on and change into your costume!"

Jiwoo stared at him stunned as Chae burst out laughing. "What?"

"I am in my costume!"

"What are you, a marathon contestant?" Suk asked.

"Are you kidding me?! Have you never seen Avengers?"

"Ah" Jimin realized. "You're Wanda's sister, the fast guy!"

"Quicksilver!" Chae was laughing at the furious Jiwoo. "And you just assumed I'm going around wearing blue running clothes?"

"I was hoping you came from running. You'll need it, if you keep stealing all my food."

A/N: Shout to @ITS__J-Min-YG @chubbygurl_  and vinniewonder for answering on my board. Thank you!

last period in school, new chapter published. Historical moments.

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