Chapter 58

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I recommend listening to just a little bit of your heart by ariana grande for the dancing scene- if you're into that! I was listening to it while writing it.

"How do I look?" She smoothed out her light blue dress for the hundreth time in a row. The corset top hugged her waist and chest perfectly, the smooth material flowed straight down to the floor. Her face had light makeup, she didn't want to look like clown and noticeable, she just wanted to be pretty and if one person noticed, that would've been enough. Her gorgeous, long hair was tied up into a ponytail, which she redone over and over again, putting pins in everywhere, perfecting it, making sure it was tidy and put together.

Hwan's sweet, boyish face peered over at her from his bed. He had been pretending like he hasn't been watching her. It made Hui feel pretty and loved, even if Hwan was just her friend. Something in the way he smiled at her in such a genuine and loving way made her blush and heart race, but it gave her confidence.

"You look angelic!"

She turned to the mirror one last time, checking if everything as perfect as she wants it to be. "Alright, it's time to get going or I'll be late for the dance."

"Are you sure about this?" He nervously asked.

"What do you mean?" She left his room to go to the front door for her high heels, which she stole from her sister's. Thankfully her and Hwan had the Min's house to themselves as the rest of the family would only come home later. All she had to do is say she's staying over here and Jimin let her go, so she didn't have to sneak out in a ball dress.

"Lying to your whole family."

"I already did that Hwan, there's no going back now." She put her shoes on.

"That's not true! You could not go and no one would find out. Hui I really think you'll be in serious trouble for this!"

"Thank you for caring about me! But it's gonna be alright!" With that she walked out into the cold, december night.

Her and Jiwoo decided to meet up at the school. She arrived just in time for the dance. He was already there, she recognized his smug stance in the dim lightning. "Finally! I thought you'd never come." He quickly grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the gym hall.

The smile on her face fell. She couldn't help but feel disappointed. While Hwan couldn't stop praising her, he didn't even give her a second glance. As if there was nothing special about her appearance. Hui tried to meet his eyes, but Jiwoo kept his sight on the crowds of people as they approached the dance.

Upon hearing the music start they hurried their steps. Quickly falling into form they joined in. Jiwoo finally looked into her eyes. But now he didn't falter. His mouth twitched as he smiled, and Hui felt herself smile back without intending to. With his hand in hers she felt like they were back in the cold, dark, lonely park in the night. Just them dancing together in the moonlight. Nothing else really mattered, only her heart jumping out of her ribcage as Jiwoo's handsome face was smiling at her inches away from her own face. Happiness, excitement, fulfillment. She had been waiting, practising, fantasizing, yes she can now admit that she had been fantasizing about this moment, these couple of minutes until this song lasts, for so long. Before going to sleep, while in class and even when she was asleep she was dreaming about this.

And now here they were dancing together, hand in hand. If cinderella was a true tale it was her story. Secretly meeting the handsome prince dancing at a ball. She felt joy like none other.

Then the song was over. He slowly let their hands down and slipped his hand out of hers to put it back into his pockets. Hui wished he would've kept holding her hand instead. "I think we did well! You got quite talented in dancing in heels." He chuckled.

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