Chapter 52

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Can you guys tell me who do you ship? I'm very curious...I might even tell you my ships

"So boys, how was yesterday's party?" Namjoon sat down across from his sons. He had a coffee in hand, while the two boys were enjoying some breakfast cereal.

"Mine was good." Suk answered first.

"That's not what you said last night." Byeol muttered, which earned him a kick under the table from his older brother.

"What?" Namjoon looked suspiciously at them.

"Nothing!" Suk faked a smile.

"Yeah me and Seung had fun too." Byeol tried to shift the spotlight onto him.  "She won the costume contest! Which she deserved, she worked really hard-"

"That's great son, now what happened last night at Jimin's?"

The older brother sighed. "There was just a bit of a conflict that killed the mood. Until then everything was great! It was all Jiwoo's fault anyway, he insisted on playing truth or dare..."

"Oh god." Namjoon face palmed. "Please don't tell me one of you got arrested!"

"What of course not!" Suk was offended. "It wasn't like that."

"Then what was it like?"


"Morning girls!" Jimin greeted his three daughters, who were all enjoying breakfast in the living room. The mess from last night was still there, candy wrapers and broken decorations on the floor. "You guys know you have to clean this up?"

Chae rolled her eyes. "No dad, we totally forgot despite that you told us we'll have to clean up about thirty thousand times."

"Then good thing I reminded you." He sat down on the couch. "Is Vanechka still here?" He quietly asked.

Hui raised her eyebrow. "Uhm, no, she left to the library for something, but she's coming back. Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to you three alone about something." All three became anxious. Hui and Chae shared a look. Their father always finds out about what trouble they cause. Both were silently praying that they got away with the little game they played yesterday. "Christmas is coming up, and this year I wanted us to spend it together. Like just the four of us together."

"But what about our grandparents and cousins?" Seung questioned.

"And our friends?" Chae thought about Suk and Jiwoo. "We live in the same street as them, are we just not going to invite them over?"

"I actually thought that we would travel to Europe. Take a winter-cation." All three girls were stunned.

"Dad is everything okay?" Hui asked worried. "I don't understand why you want to leave?"

Jimin sighed. "I just want it to be just us this year. Don't get me wrong, I love the relationship you have with the member's kids, and of course I want to visit grandma and grandpa, but I would like some time for ourselves. So, would be alright if we left this year?"

Chae was the first to speak up. She sensed that this might have something to do with their mother. And that was a complicated subject. "Yeah, dad, let's do it."

Meanwhile, the morning was much more tense in the min house. Ryung ate in his room and ignored his father. Hwan wasn't sure what to feel. He didn't really understand why was their dad bad now, but he understood that something weird, wrong happened last night. Hwan didn't want to be mean to Yoongi, he couldn't be mean to him, but he trusted his brother and he knew he was on his side. He was caught in the middle.

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