Chapter 54

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Serious warning for this chapter!!!! Even I dont know wth is going on. I am, so sorry

It was barely past five, but it was already getting dark. Jiwoo tightened his coat around himself. He was sitting on top of the bike racks, watching the silent afternoon. Nobody was around the school at this time, both school time and worktime has ended. He was the only one there.

He heard the entrance door opening. Finally, someone left the building. He didn't have to look to know who it was, because it was the person he had been waiting for.

"Afternoon, Huiseon."

She jumped. The boy's sudden call scared her. She didn't notice there was someone in the dark.

Realizing who it was turned her fright into annoyance. Rolling her eyes she stomped over to the boy. "What was that?! What are you even doing here?!"

Jiwoo stood up and stretched. He has been sitting there for awhile. "I was waiting for you to finish. Science project going well?"

He managed to surprise her for the second time under a minute. "How did you know I'd be here, working on my project?"

"This might be shocking news, but your older sister is my best friend, so."

"And you talk about me? Is that what you busy yourself with everyday?" She bit back with more sarcasm.

"Maybe." He teased her. "I'm actually here to ask you something."


"Would you be my partner for the winter ball?"

Frozen. The air froze, Hui's body froze, her brain froze, the world froze. Silence followed.

What did he ask her? Why did he ask her? For what reason? Out of all the people in the world, why her? Why was he doing this all of a sudden? Was this some dumb joke? Why would he do it?

"I don't understand."

"Listen Hui, there's this winter ball in a month and I need to bring a date, to dance with and stuff, and I was wondering if you'd let me take you?" He tried again, slightly amused by the situation.

"No." She shook her head. She wanted to go, leave him there, alone in the dark with the rejection but for some reason she stayed still, standing in front of him, just looking at him in confusion.



"Why not?"

"Because I don't think this is a funny joke. I don't know why you would think this was a good idea at all, but stop now."

"No, I'm not joking. I mean it, I want to take you!"


"Because why not."

"That's not an answer! Jiwoo I'm not even a high schooler and there are thousand of other options!"

"Actually" he cut in "Chae is going with Suk, Seung is taken aswell, other high school girls I know are also taken, except for this one girl who chews shoe laces in her spare time and this other girl who's a lesbian. So then outside of school there's my sister, her girlfriend, a 13 year old scientist, my other sister, who's seven by the way, and you. I think we can conclude you're my best option since you're pretty, funny, smart and can probably dance in high heels." He finished.

Hui couldn't hold back a smile. "Do you really want me to go with you?"

"Hui I am begging you!" He smiled back.

"Fine." She gave in. "But we have to keep it a secret, okay? Nobody can know."

"Alright. Want me to walk you home?"

"God no! I don't want to be seen with you! Wait five minutes and then follow."

She was smiling on her way home.

A/N it's going to go downhill so bad from here
Please comment to keep me sane

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