Chapter 22

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When Namjoon found out that they'll have a daughter, he lost his mind. The happiness and excitement overloaded in his body, and he danced around with his sons, who had no idea what was going on, but enjoyed their dad's silliness anyways.

He started planning her whole life that night right away, making his wife laugh way too hard.

"Honey calm down!" she choked out between laughs.

"But this is so amazing!" he was seriously overjoyed.

The thing he actually took too far was the name choosing. He changed his mind every second, and couldn't make up his mind.

Honoka decided to put an end to it, and worked out the perfect solution;

They sat the two sons down to tell them the news: they're going to have a baby sister soon.

"Boys, we have something to tell you." She started. The new student and the kindergartener looked at them curiously, they have never been in such situation before."Soon-"

"YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A SISTER!" Namjoon blurted out, even though he tried his best to not explode, he couldn't keep it in any longer. His wife looked at him stunned.

"A sister?" Dongwon asked.

"Why?" the smaller asked.

"Because we wanted a third child, and so you're going to get a sister in february!" their mother excitedly answered.

Neither new what february was exactly, but they knew that their birthdays were in february.

"Why always february?" Dongwon asked confused. The two parents looked at each other for help, they weren't sure what to answer.

Honoka decided to change the subject and ignore the question."We were wondering if you have any name ideas?"

"We can name her?" the little student asked.

"They can name her?" Namjoon asked aswell.

"Yes!" she looked at him intensely.

Byeol whispered something into his brother's ear, then they nodded in agreement.

"So?" Honoka asked.

"Yuna" they said in unison.

Before (After) Our KidsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz