Chapter 3

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The second neighbour: Taehyung

Taehyung met his one and only in 2018, on their world tour, in Berlin.

He decided to check out a little café that was near the hotel he was staying in before going home for the night.

As the late hours approched, the café sadly had to close. After paying the bill he sad a quick good night and left for his hotel.

The moment he went outside a group of fangirls spotted him, and ran towards him. He quickly looked around for help, but the hotel was too far away, and he was alone in a foreign country.

He had no idea what to do, when someone pulled him inside the café. The waitress locked the door, and put the blinds up, so nobody could look inside.

Once she turned around, he saw the most beautiful girl in the world, starring at him rather amused. She seemed a bit older than him, but only with a couple years. She had straight light brown hair, and playful brown eyes.

"So...who are you exactly? Crazy fangirls are not a thing around here, so you must be someone very special."

It took a longer moment for Taehyung to understand her, but once he did he tried his best to answer.

"I'm V from BTS."

She looked at him clueless.

"Korean boy band." he added.

"Ohhhh" she thought for a second"are you a singer?"

"Yes!" Taehyung happily said, as he managed to make her understand.

She smiled back. "Okay well..." she peeked through the blinds"they don't seem to be leaving anytime soon so....."she turned to Taehyung."Want to show me your music?"

Soon enough they fell in love, and not long after Namjoon(a couple of months actually) they had their first(of many) baby born.

They decided to move in to the street where Namjoon lived, as it was quite convenient.

They picked the biggest house in the street, as they had a feeling they'll need the space.(and they were right) The house had three levels, holding the record of most levels in the whole neighbourhood. It was spacious inside out, a perfect house for kids. It was full with big bedrooms where the kids could store all the toys they want, and run from one room to another, playing catch.

They were very happy in their new home, and were even happier, when they got a neighbour: Jimin.

Jimin was next in line with his daughter, Chaewon, and amazing housewife Bora.

They met not long after Namjoon started talking with the poet lover Honoka. Jimin was visiting his parents for a weekend, as he was missing them and had the two days off.

As he was on his way there, he saw a bunch of police cars surround a dead deer, a frightened girl, and a completely crashed car. He put two and two together, and felt bad for the girl. She seemed pretty young, this was probably one of her first drives, and she accidentally killed an animal.

He decided to stop and get out of the car, putting a mask on, and walk over to one of the angry police officers and ask what happened.

He aggressively explained how she managed to hit a deer, right after getting her license.

The girl had dry tears on her face, and a bit of blood, which was probably not her own.

"It's okay I can take care of the damage." he surprised himself by saying that, but also everyone else, catching their attention.

"I'm sorry?"the officer asked.

Jimin looked at the girl carefully. She seemed a bit weak, and very poor. The car she was driving was already dying on its own, and it didn't take the hit too well.

"I said I'll pay for the damage she did." the girl looked at him with shock and thankfulness.

"Why would you do that? Are you joking? You don't even know her?!"

He pulled out a checkbook from his coat and asked how much it was. He gave it to the officer who looked like he just saw a ghost. Then went over to the girl and asked if she needed a ride home.

They were sitting in the car and the girl still couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Why-how did you have that much money?"

"I have a good job. How could you smash your car that bad?"

"I have bad driving skills." he laughed.

"Who are you?" she asked curiously.

"Well who are you?" he asked back.

They talked all the way to Busan, without her finding out his true identity.

For the carride, but after she was out, she scooped around until she found out who he was. And once she did, she went out of her way to thank him.

Needless to say what happened after that. They had their first born aswell in the same year Namjoon and Taehyung did. So they moved in right next to Taehyung.

Their house was fancier, and very modern. It had small bedrooms but big bathrooms, and an astonishing kitchen.

Which Bora loved, as she prefered to stay at home with the kids, cooking, cleaning and playing with them.

Of course, that didn't last long, as her driving never got better.

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