Chapter 46

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Kwang P.O.V.
"Ok we got this team!" This is his first match ever. They've only really played with other teams within the school, so he never got to participate in anything too serious. Until now.

Their school is holding a sports day, where all of the teams of the school play and the families can come too. His parents have been very excited to watch him and his sister play. Right now the nerves were catching up with the excitement.

Everybody else seemed relaxed. This wasn't the first match of the day, since the track runners and the volleyball players had already put on their show. Ae-ri was braiding Changnim's hair while she was tying her shoes. V was sitting there back againts the wall, while Hwan anxiously circled her back and forth, like she was about to go off to war.

If Kwang wasn't drowning in his own anxiety, he might've noticed how confusing that was. V was a great player, and she rarely did anything too dangerous on the field. She was a laid-back player, and she never got aggressive, even when her teammates lost all their patience. If Kwang payed more attention, he would've figured out that Hwan wasn't worrying about what would happen to her in the match.

Instead, his brain took him back to Ryung, who would be sitting on the bench, watching his every move. Said boy was sitting next to Changnim, watching her long hair get braided into two pieces. For a minute his eyes didn't leave him. And then his thoughts swifted onto something else.

He thought about Yoonseok. Yesterday, as he was about to fall asleep, he got a text from the boy.
"Can't fall asleep can you?" It lit up his dark room. He had been staring at the ceiling for an hour, completely sleepless.
"No. Too excited about tomorrow."
"I tried to sneak out to visit you."
"Thought I could help you."
"But the twins caught me, and of course they told Dad."
A smile stretched across Kwang's face.
"I want you to know that you'll do great tomorrow. So don't be nervous. You'll love it."
"You'll watch me?"
"I'll be there for you."
"I won't be nervous"

"Did you say something?" Changnim noticed him mumbling under his breathe.

"I'm not nervous." He tore his eyes away Ryung. He exhaled. They're about to go out. Yoonseok will be there, next to Taehyung, rooting for them. They all will be rooting for them. Because he's awesome and he loves playing soccer.

"Really? Coz you seem nervous." V comments.

"Hwan! Get out!"

Sweat was runing down his chin, stomach, aswell as his thighs. Four mimutes was left of the game. The score was 5:3. They were winning. Still, he needed to score another goal. Maybe for his pride, maybe to show off to Ryung, maybe because Yoonseok was watching, or just so ge could say he fought from start to finish, but he needed to score another.

His eyes met Aeri's. She was shouting pass, her stance ready for a run. Then he looked at V. Without a word she blocked his opponents path, Changnim doing the same from behind. They were making a clear path for him. He wejt for it.

"THEY WEREN'T EVEN CLOSE!" Sang was standing on a chair as he was recalling the end of the match with much enthusiasm.

"Sang, get down or else!" Loren warned her son.

"AND HE SCORED! THE SIXTH GOAL THAT LED OUR VICTORY!" He finished screaming and jumped off, before his mother got him.

"I'm proud of you!" Taehyung put his arm around his daughter. "You did great!" His eyes fell on V, sitting next to Changnim. "You both did."

She met his eyes then turned away to listen to Seung and Ryung's conversation.

"I don't think she had her head in the game." Hui whispered to Aeri. "Her mind was somewhere else."

"And Hwan is acting weird."

"He straight up looks sick."

"It has to be related."

"Do you-"

"Hey girls!" Namjoon approached them. "Congratulations Aeri! You played like a professional!"

"Don't you two girls want something to eat?" Jae was running around giving food and drinks to all their guests.

"Let's go and celebrate!" Yoonseok hugged the two girls and dragged them off, just as Sang decided to jump on the table to reenact the first goal.

A/N not proofread sorry! How are you guys? What do you think?

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