Part 142

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"It seems as the majority of team 7 won't have the necessary power needed to retrieve Sasuke." Raiu said rubbing his temples to ease his growing headache. "Only person who has a chance right now is Yato so I want you to take Sakura and Karin under your wing and train them." The man slowly looked up seeing Hikio and Tsunade in a stare down. "Sakura is my student why the hell do I have to let this tramp train her?" Tsunade's tone was sharp and her gaze unmoving. 

"And why do I want to train a bimbo's student. She is probably just as useless as her teacher." Hikio said back, the tension between the two women was unbearable. "Not to show any disrespect but you mostly focus on healing with only strength to defend yourself. Hikio on the other hand has actual combat capabilities." 

"I'm a sanin for a reason. She will take ten years to catch up to me." 
"Oh really, you wanna go old hag!!?" 
"Any time tramp!" 

"I'll make yo-" The argument was suddenly cut off as an intense aura surrounded the building. The aura was domineering forcing the two women to shut up immediately. "In order to grow the future generations, we need to hold back our differences and work together. Either you two come to an agreement or I'll find someone more suitable." Raiu said firmly, standing up and walking out of the silent room. 

"You know, I love it when he becomes so strict"


On training field 7, you could hear the ever so often screams of someone going through agonizing pain. "Seriously it's not so bad." Yato said staring at a tied up bandit. The exhausted man was tied up against a huge rock, restricting him of all movement. 

"All I want to do is make your mind a smoothie, you don't have to be a wimp about it." Yato said deactivating his sharingan eyes in order to give the bandit some rest. "It's harder than it looks like you know. You got the easy job." Yato slowly fell back onto the grass, exhausted from his 5 hour experiment. 

--Yato is trying to make his zone style jutsu be able to affect the mind of anyone it comes into contact with. The goal is to either be able to make someone very afraid or melt their brains, either will do.--

"Umm what's going on?" A feminine voice said from behind Yato. "Training. Caught this guy robbing some merchants, now he is my training dummy." Yato said opening his eyes to be met with a blond girl. Her hair is tied into a ponytail and her outfit is a bright purple. 

"Have we met before?" Yato asked watching as the girl sat down next to him. "We were in the academy together silly. We never talked much but we have met yeah." The girl said looking closely at the exhausted bandit. 

"Oh wait aren't you that flat girl?" Yato asked looking closer to her chest. "What?" "Hm guess I can't call you that anymore though." The boy slowly drifted his eyes away but was met with a hard slap against the head. "Ow what was that for!" 

"Just checking if you are still as thick headed as you were. I guess that didn't change." 
Ino let out a soft giggle before getting up. "Well do you want my help? I know a few things to do with mind jutsu's." 
"How did you know I was making one?" 
"Well you already made a knockoff jutsu of the Nara clan so my clan was probably next and the fact drool is coming out of his mouth." 

"You got a point and just so you know, my fuse jutsu isn't a knockoff. It's a perfection." 
"Yeah yeah whatever." 

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