Part 145

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-2 Day's later-

"Why the hell do I have to go!?"
"Because you knocked out the hidden mist village's TOP GUARDS!!"
"It wasn't there top guards...I think."

"The Mizukage demands to speak with you or else war might break out."
"I have training to do, must I really waste my time to take care of childish things?"
Raiu suddenly slammed his desk with anger. "You are the one being childish! Some of their Anbu are still in hospital! Either you go to the land of waves or I'll make the alcohol illegal in this village!"

Yato and Raiu stared at each other. Both challenging each others dominance. "You won't dare."
"Oh you know I will."
"FINE! I'll be back in a week." Yato said stomping his way to the door. "Oh one last thing. I didn't say you were going alone. I have some business with them as well."
"What about the village?"
"Tsunade will be in command. I'm coming with to make sure you don't mess it up." Raiu said with a smug look.

"On one condition." Yato said trying to keep his cool. "Name it."

"You buy me a new sword"
"Easy there are many swords the anbu ha-"
"Not any sword. I need a black steel sword imbedded with obsidian." Yato said with slight happiness knowing this is not an easy request.

"You know that is the prized sword of my dojo. The blade I made myself. Not even I have used it yet." Raiu said with anger but also trying to keep his composure. "Well then you can make a second one. I am bladeless and since that is dangerous Hikio might not be happy you are sending me away without anything to defend myself with."

"Your playing that card aren't you?"
"Oh you know it."
"You don't even know what obsidian can be used for."
"Oh I can figure it out"

"Fine but that's all you getting."
"Count it as all the birthday presents you missed."


Soon the two men left the village keeping there speed moderate as to save strength for the long road ahead. "You know, it's been a while since we two have been on a journey." Raiu said trying to start a conversation. "You mean that training trips where you 'taught' me redux and condensed nebula?"

"Yeah those. We never really bonded you know."
"No shit sherlock."
"Hay watch your language. But you are correct...Anyway I see this as good a time as any. You know your grandfathers name by now probably but there is another reason I went on my trip." After those words Raiu went quiet. The two slowed their pace as Yato's interest was captured.

"My sensei. Jiraya had other students. I wanted to track them down and bring them to the leaf village. Unfortunatly I couldn't find them in the hidden rain country at all so I moved to the hidden mist...that's when I met Mei Terumī..." Raiu suddenly fell silent as a stick suddenly snapped in the distance.

"We aren't alone." Raiu said softly. "You know what I'm pretty tired, lets set up camp" Yato said loud enough so whoever was spying on them could hear. "Hn"

The two men quickly found a small opening within the forest. Creating a simple fire out of pieces of wood which just laid around. "There are only two of them." Yato said poking the fire with a stick. His new sword strapped to his back.

"Whoever they are, they give off a rather strong energy. We have two options, wait for them to come after us or we go after them." Yato let out a big sigh as he thought things over. "Lets just wait for them. I'm too tired to go hunting."


---5 hours later---

It's the dead of night. No sound what so ever. Yato and Raiu are both wide awake playing a game of tic tac toe to keep them busy when suddenly a large crash sounded through the forest. "Wait for the right time." Raiu said making his move in their game.

The night sky has been filled with clouds which are so dense not even the moon could shine through. The sound of tree's toppling over got louder and louder. one from the north the other from the south. "Which side do you want?" Yato asked but was interrupted as only a log was in the place of where Raiu once was. "Guess he want's south."

The boy slowly rose and stretched. Before he could finish his exercise, a kunai came flying past him at breakneck speeds, slicing him over the cheek. The boy quickly realized this is not a time to play around. Instantly activating his sharingan and pulling out his sword which had an ominous purple glow.

"I see you got a new toy." Sasuke said coming out of the dense forest his body covered in blue lightning. "And I see you like to use power which isn't yours." Yato said as the two boy's eyes met with each other. Tension growing stronger. "There is a way for you to keep you life today. Bring my Itachi, I know you took him to the leaf village." Sasuke said anger clear in his tone.

"I need to kill him."
"Is it because of your resentment or is it because you wish to get the eternal mangekyou?"
"It's not any business a dead man needs to care about." Sasuke said his eyes not giving off any sign of regret. "Hm well you already have the mangekyou don't you?"
"How do you know this?"
"Blindness...that's the reason you are looking for Itachi. You want his eyes so you can stop your own blindness from spreading. Do me a favor, tell me how you got them?"

"Hn....The night you were suppose to die." Sasuke said launching at Yato his mangekyou already awakened. "Your lucky to have it but you are a waste of time." Yato said coldly disappearing form Sasuke's view forcing the boy to stop in the middle of the opening.

"Why don't we end everything tonight?" Yato asked from a distant tree. "It's my turn to stab you with lightning." Another Yato said from a different tree. Soon the entire forest clearing was surrounded in Yato's. "Seriously shadow clones?" Sasuke asked, an animalistic smile forming on his face.

"I'm not as weak as you think I am." Sasuke said slamming his fist on the ground causing a strong current to travel through the earth causing all clones to disperse in an instant only leaving the real Yato sitting on a rock. "Stop playing games and fight me for real!! I won't allow you to chicken out of this." Suddenly in an instant Yato was infront of Sasuke. His black blade standing ready to pierce Sasuke's trout.

"You don't under stand how hard it is to kill a brother do you?" Yato said causing a small trickle of blood to come from Sasuke. The Uchiha quickly jumped back to get distance between them. "A brother or an enemy? Same thing in my eyes. Both are in the way."
"In your way? Where are you heading? What is your plan if you are able to kill me and Itachi?"
"That's none of your business!!" Sasuke's rage spiked high causing large waves of lightning to come off him. The sheer force of the initial blast forced Yato back. "Where the hell is this power coming from?"

"Let's end this!" The boy shouted pulling out his own blade which quickly got enhanced with lightning as well. "Hn" Yato let out getting back onto his feet. "Didn't think I'd need to use my secret so early." Yato said as his sword began to glow an orange hue. "That's-"

"The nine tails chakra? Yes it was a payment for training Naruto. 10% of the nine tails inside him to be exact." Yato said with a smirk as the aura surrounding the blade slowly started to cover Yato as well. The feeling felt familiar. Almost like the chakra Dai used to give him.

"Isn't that cheating?"
"And stealing someone else's cells isn't?"

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