Part 89

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"What do you mean? Do you honestly think you can find him? He's been gone for nearly a month." Tsunade said sitting behind her desk. In front of her was Raiu. "No I might not find him but he can find me. Dai is no idiot if he took over Yato's body, he knows the boy cant handle his full power yet so he is keeping himself hidd-" Before Raiu could finish his sentence, a the sound of a crash came from the hallways. 

"What could this be?" 

"Leave me alone you crazy witch!" A boy yelled. "Oh so you want me to leave you alone? THEN GIVE ME BACK MY DANGO STICK!!" Anko shouted as another crash was heard. "Is it me or was that Yato's voice?" Raiu asked as the two gave each other a look before rushing out the room. 

When they entered the hallway they saw how Yato's body got flung across the hall. "You hot headed bastard not only stole my dango stick but also my dumplings! You also then challenged me to a fight to see who's meal it was! IT WAS MINE YOU BRAT!" 

"I din't steal your dango, freak. You took one from my plate! After that you challenged me to a fight to see who the true owner of the dango stick was!" Yato shouted as he rushed down the hall at a great speed, planting a solid punch into Anko's gut which sent her through the roof. 

"HA YOU CALL THAT A PUNCH!" Anko said when he landed on top of the roof. A small trickle of blood escaped her mouth. "You call that an insult!?" 

Before Yato could jump up to Anko, he received a massive back slap from Raiu, destroying the nearby wall. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING , YOUR DESTROYING THE KAGE TOWER!!!" Suddenly Tsunade slapped Raiu causing the other wall to break. "YOUR NO DIFFERENT!" 

"Anko I expect you to fix all this" Tsunade said with a glare to the hiding Anko. "Y-Yes mam." 
"And you two are coming with me" Tsunade grabbed both Raiu and Yato by the ear and dragged them both into her office. 

"What the heck, why did you pull me by the ear too? I'm too old for that" Raiu complained rubbing his now red ear. "Your still not old enough to get a slap mr." Tsunade's glare quickly shutted Raiu up. 

"Now where the hell did you come from Yato?" 
"I just got back from hell and I'm already getting punished...when do i get a break?" The boy said falling onto his back in defeat. "Wait did you just say hell?" Raiu asked looking at Yato with confusion. 

"Yeah i'm not religious and have killed a lot of people so I was sent to hell." Yato said with an expressionless face. "That still doesn't answer my question." 

Yato's eyes suddenly change with his pupils turning thin. "Maybe I can explain" a new voice said with a smirk. "Wait your Dai right, the one that healed Yato back at the hospital?" 
"That's right lady Hokage" Dai looked at Raiu's shocked yet disgusted face and felt like laughing. "You see Yato was actually killed from that attack which punctured his heart. I healed his body but when I was done, his soul already left him." 

"Wait so was that Yato just now?" Raiu asked keeping his hatred and disgust for Dai to a minimum. "Yes that is Yato. You see Raiu I'm not a beast like you think but I'm not going to tell you what I am. All you need to know is that Yato has been resurrected thanks to a favor the king of hell owes me. Raiu if this boy dies again which is probably unlikely the its only cause of your idiotic actions."

"Why do you say it's unlikely?" Tsunade asked. Dai quickly took out a kunai and stabbed Yato's hand. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Raiu yelled about to go punch Dai but then he realized he would be punching Yato too. 

Dai then took out the kunai and the wound in his hand had some steam come from it as it closed in mere seconds. "It seems that the boy has gained immortality by swimming in the lake of eternity." 

"Lake of eternity?"
"Oh well will you look at the time it seems that Yato wants control back. Good bye my beautiful goddess, cya fatty" Dai said before his eyes turned back into the dark onyx ones of Yato. 

"I only caught half of what he had told me" Raiu said with a slight sweat drop. "See that proves it , you might get older but your still as dumb as ever" Tsunade said. 

"well if you both don't mind, I haven't talked to Naruto in over a month now and the guy is probably missing me so ima go" Yato said running out the door. "Well it seems he's back to normal at least...but did all that happen to them in only a month?" 

"Your one to speak. You got married with your childhood friend, got her pregnant and then defeated an entire army from the land of lightning in only a week" Tsunade said going back to her desk. 

"If Dai brought Yato back to life...can he bring Hikio back too?" 


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