Part 132

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"Dammit to think a guy as light on his feet like you can be so heavy " Kabuto said dropping Yato onto an operation table. "Hm this is ironic really. You embarrassed me during the chunin exams but this time it seems I have the upper hand" Kabuto said inspecting his tools. 

"Your eyes will finally be taken away" The boy said grabbing a spoon like object and moving towards Yato. The spoon slowly went towards Yato's eyeball but instantly a static charge traveled through the spoon throwing Kabuto across the room. 

"What the heck even your dead body controls lightning?!" Kabuto said seeing his hand scorched and red. "no he doesn't that was me" Sasuke said from the doorway. "I told you to go back to training" 
"And since when do I listen to you?" Sasuke asked walking up towards the operation table, he has a dark look on his face while clenching his fist. "Found him dead after a big battle. Not letting the maggots eat him up, I have more use for him and his cells." Kabuto slowly pushed his glasses back up with a smile forming from all the experiments he can do. 

Sasuke was silent as he stared at Yato. "Now that you saw what I have been up to, can you go away? I have to remove some eyes here." 

"Hn, do that then you will have to deal with me" Sasuke said coldly his eyes still locked on Yato. 
"You don't wish for his eyes to be given to you or even Lord Orochimaru?" 
"If you attempt to implant those then the person will die. Can't you sense the astonishing amount of chakra coming from them." 
"Wait chakra? He's dea-" Suddenly a wave of fire erupted from Yato's body setting the room ablaze. 

Sasuke immediately pulled out his blade and stabbed Yato's chest causing the wave of flames to stop. "He's coming back" Sasuke said in a serious tone. 


"Darkness. The empty feeling of being lost. Cold...w-where am I?" Yato said feeling himself in a huge empty room. Looking around he saw the chain that once held Dai down. Yato slowly rose bit instantly felt a massive aching pain on his back. Yato's seal which held Dai was basically burning a bright red, grabbing his hair from pain, he accedentally pulled some out revealing an odd color...white. "Don't tell me I'm that old? old....DAI!" 

"Dai!!! Where are you, you lazy panda?" Yato shouted but only the echoes answered. Quickly grabbing his neck, he searched for the seal but nothing was there. "What happened...Why can't I just leave this place?" Yato asked trying to run in one direction but he stayed in the same spot. 

"Your mortal body failed you" a voice said as a ray of light shined down forcing the darkness to disappear into the corners. "Nice to finally meet you. Calamity God Yato. I am Raijin god of storms"

 I am Raijin god of storms"

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