Part 88

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Chaos, that is the only word to describe what is going on right now. Naruto's team returned and the majority of them are badly hurt. Naruto came back with a gaping wound in his chest by what looks like a chidori while the others came back with broken among other things. 

"Naruto should be fine now, the ninetails will heal the rest of his minor wounds. Have you tracked down Yato yet?" Tsunade asked after finally finishing Naruto's bandages. It's been around three day's since the boy disappeared and when Raiu heard about it, his immediate thought was that Dai took over his body and went on a killing spree. 

"Not yet, as soon as I find a lead it disappears entirely. How could this happen in the first place, wasn't Sasuke and Yato friends?" Raiu asked sitting in the window looking out to the village. "That's what I was wondering, and how does someone like Sasuke hurt Yato that badly? Heck the kid is in the bingo book as an S+ rank shinobi" Tsunade was worrying even if she does not know Yato much, he still is her grandson. 

"I was also wanting to ask your opinion...should we spend any resources on finding Sasuke? The boy is as of tomorrow called a rough ninja." Tsunade slowly placed her hand onto Raiu's shoulder. "The boy was an idiot. Yato told me about what happened and who killed the clan. If Sasuke think's that Orochimaru will give him the strength to fight Itachi...the Itachi I knew...then he's got no chance. Out of all the Uchiha's I have fought in my life, Itachi is by far the one who got the closest to knock me off my feet...I'll say to save the villages resources. Let Sasuke's team search for him. If they want their teammate back then they should handle it" 

Tsunade looked at Raiu. The man's expression was cold and it's clear he hasn't slept for a while. "What if he attack's the village? Will it be fine if he dies?" 

"If Sasuke returns to the village with the intent to kill then I'll handle him. He is going down the road most Uchiha's go in. Their idiotic search for power was the downfall of the clan in the first place" 


"So it was the Uchiha kid that did this?" Kabuto asked looking at Orochimaru. The man was floating in a green tube, his body was nothing but a snake like form with a weird head. "Yes, I can't use the Uchiha brat's body so you need to get me a new vessel." 

"But is that wise at the moment sir. If what you tell me is true then Yato or whatever beast is inside him has it out for you. If he sees any movement from us then he surely will act appon it. If you want I'll bring a descent recruit in here and you could take over his body" 

Since Yato attacked, Orochimaru has been stuck in this form seeing he had to leave his old vessel behind. "Alright I guess it will have to do for now. Also it's time to start Sasuke's training as soon as possible. It takes 3 years before I can take over another body so until then he needs to grow." 

"Yes lord Orochimaru." With that Kabuto exited the room leaving Orochimaru to his thoughts. "A god....what god will get sealed inside of a human.Or was the beast trying to scare me." 


Thousands of kilometres away from the leaf is a small hidden island with a lake in the middle. This island is called Seinaru. It's filled with cherry blossom tree's that bloom all year round. "I hope you wake up soon kid" Yato(Dai) said laying inside the lake. "I even brought you here to rest your soul...let's just hope this lake will actually bring you back to life..." 


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